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Earth Science Resources

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Paul Elliott's WebQuest. | Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Notes to Teachers | Introduction Even with the best of planning structural failures can occur.

Paul Elliott's WebQuest

Check out the video clip and photos of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster. This bridge became known as "Galloping Gertie. " High winds caused the collapse of this bridge in 1940. Click for Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse Task Have you wondered why this WebQuest is called "Spaghetti EarthQuake? Process Select an individual from your team to fulfill each of the following roles: Architect (responsible for making an architectural drawing of structure) Treasurer (responsible for financial matters for the team) Technology Director (responsible for collecting / presenting internet research data) Project Manager (responsible for obtaining / managing building materials and clean - up.)

Special Note: Taking on any of the roles above does not mean that you do all of the work. 2. Special Note: 3. 4. Insurance Restrictions: GLAD Units/Plate Tectonics_6th.pdf. Hands-On Astronomy Activities « Astronomical Society. Exercises. Using the SalsaJ software (download here), students and teachers can make the Universe their laboratory.


The hands-on exercises below are designed to allow students to use real astronomical data to find a new planet, explore volcanos on the moons of Jupiter, classify stars, or weigh a galaxy! Each exercise comes complete with real astronomical data and detailed instructions for how to display, analyze, and interpret the data using the SalsaJ software. This software is free, and is multi-platform and multi-lingual (languages supported include English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Greek, Portuguese, Swedish, Northern Sami, Arabic, and Chinese).

At your convenience, a single package containing all the data and files (but not the guides!) Needed for the following exercises is available here : - 25.28 Mb. Simply download the software, choose an exercise and you are ready to explore the Universe! Default. Lesson Plan: Global Warming . NOW. Is human activity bringing about alarming global warming scenarios and related catastrophes?

Lesson Plan: Global Warming . NOW

Or is such thinking a myth brought about by flawed or incomplete science? Finding the answers to these questions has turned global warming into a highly politicized and contentious issue. Use the NOW Classroom standards-linked lesson on global warming to help students research and form credible opinions.

This lesson is designed for social studies, debate, language arts, government/citizenship, and current events classes, grades 9-12. » View the full lesson plan [pdf] Also feel free to show NOW on PBS programs related to global warming to inspire discussion, critical thinking, and debate. Visit NOW Classroom for more skill-based teaching materials that allow you to choose your own NOW programs. Other NOW resources Quiz: Energy Efficiency Take our quiz to find out what you can do to make your life more energy efficient.

Geology Websites

Atmosphere Websites. Weather Websites. For Educators.