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Moleskine Hacks. Latest Update: Added a link to a Moleskine Hard Drive. ?

Moleskine Hacks

Little black notebooks, with a bookmark, elastic closure, and a storage compartment in the back. Useful little things on their own, but some people feel the need to trick them out further. Moleskine Notebooks Most people just use their Moleskines freeform, scribbling whatever and wherever they like. PDA - A Moleskine Hacked into a Complete System. What Is It?

PDA - A Moleskine Hacked into a Complete System

A Moleskine hack.An extreme Moleskine hack.A simplified GTD system (What system? See our GTD Introduction), with relatively little actual organising. May be useful if you fancy Doing GTD Without Doing GTD.A complete personal management system for those who’s needs aren’t too complicated.A rather over-the-top system for dealing with just the capturing and processing end of GTD. Quick Overview. Home and Leisure : Post-it® Index Flags 686-RYB INDE, 1 in x 1.7.