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Mobile. WordPress Themes by Sadish » Misty Look. Latest and Greatest If you are using WordPress 3.0, Please try our new version that supports “Custom Menu” and other features of WordPress 3.0.Download MistyLook 3.8RC.What’s New: 1. Support for “Custom Menu” feature 2. Support for Custom Background feature. 3. Removed the search bar from the top, due to popular demand. Language Packs for MistyLook 3.8 RC Spanish Translation File done by Andreas Beraz Previous Version MistyLook 3.7.2 is good for WordPress versions upto 2.9. Language Packs for MistyLook 3.7.2 Language Packs created for MistyLook 3.6 version, which might still work for the new version Here are the different language packs available for the MistyLook theme. Download Dutch Translation File by Jozef Schildermans.Download Tamil Translation File by RaviShankar.Download Russian Translation File by Elf.Download French Translation File by Brahim MACHKOURI. Another French Translation was done by Patrick Vanhoucke. I am being very proud to release this new theme “Misty Look”.

Thanks. A | a | B | O | O | K - un/officialy Morten Lund. Russell Beattie Notebook » Microsoft’s Live: Monopoly 4.0. So I actually get Microsoft's new Live initiative. It makes perfect sense for Microsoft to really go after the online application space as not only are they the standard bearer for many of the desktop apps which online apps emulate, but technically, if I remember correctly, they're the ones that added in the XML objects to the browser which even makes stuff like AJAX possible. They're not just following the latest fads and trends here, they've been thinking of this stuff since "Hailstorm" years ago. It seems that the difference between then and now is instead of tackling everything in a monolithic platform play which scared the bejeesus out of everyone from partners to privacy advocates, they're going to go the grassroots route of GMail, Writely and other Web 2.0 style apps instead.

Starting small and building services one by one - the portal is the first example of this. But that's the key word here of course: Tying. And it doesn't stop there. -Russ. Kollaborativ. BlogJet. Web 2.0 Workgroup - A network of Web 2.0 resources. The Social Software Weblog - _