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Masher - create free online video, photo and music mashups. Open thinking » 90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy. Update December 3/09: There has been much interest in this list so I have transferred this resource to a wiki. This post will remain, but I would be happy if others contributed to the wiki version found here. Thanks for your interest in media education. Over the past few years, I have been collecting interesting Internet videos that would be appropriate for lessons and presentations, or personal research, related to technological and media literacy. Here are 70+ videos organized into various sub-categories. These videos are of varying quality, cross several genres, and are of varied suitability for classroom use.

Conversation Starters: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 21st Century Learning: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 21st Century Schools – This is a video prepared by the Department of Children, Schools and Families in the United Kingdom. 17. 18. 19. 20. Copyright, Copyleft & Remix/Mashup Culture: 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Influence of Media on Society: 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

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Watch Know: Videos for kids to learn from. As we all know, there are some great educational videos out there to use with our students. Some of us have the luxury of using Discovery Education Streaming, Safari Montage, Learn 360, BrainPop, or other subscription-type services. For those that do not, WatchKnow is a terrific site that "organizes all of the best free educational videos made for children. " "WatchKnow is both a resource for users and also a non-profit, online community that encourages everyone to collect, create, and share free, innovative, educational videos. " WatchKnow allows you to search by content area or even with a neat Age Filter slider that lets you choose appropriate material from ages 3-18+. Check it out,'s FREE! - simple, effective online collaboration.

The 100 Best (And Free) Online Learning Tools. We’re always excited to find the next best thing. But how does one actually find this supposed next best thing? Let Edudemic do the work for you! For example, ever wanted to spend zero dollars but have some of the most bleeding edge technologies at your disposal? Fear not! In the vain of C4LPT, we bring you many other resources that are not as well-known as those featured on their site . Sharing and Collaborating These sites offer a place for educators to find open educational resources as well as provide a place for those who want to share their ideas or work collaboratively on projects. Apple Learning Interchange .

Open Courseware Search Engines Use these search engines to find more open educational resources and information. OER Recommender . Open Courseware These institutions offer open courseware available for anyone to access. TU Delft OpenCourseWare . Online Academic Video Sites These sites provide educational videos free of charge that will help inspire your teaching. Open Vault . Wikis. Diagrams. Teacher Tools. Online Interactive ELearning Teaching Resources.