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The Jenovesia Channel. gG8ng. LV No6 Ooak Designer Backpack with Wallet Artisan by DollhouseAra. Schools Out For Summer Graphic. School’s Out For Hamster! What If All of America's Toilets Were Flushed Simultaneously? | Digg Topnews. Sweden Formally Recognizes File-Sharing as a Religion. The Church of Kopimism, whose principal tenent is the right to file-share, has been formally recognized as a religious organization in Sweden. The Swedish government agency Kammarkollegiet registered the Church of Kopimism as a religious organization in late December, just before Christmas, the group said in a Wednesday statement. Members of the church applied three times in their more than year-long quest to have the religion formally recognized in Sweden. Sweden is now the first and only country to recognize Kopimism as a religion, the group said. "For the Church of Kopimism, information is holy and copying is a sacrament," it said in a statement.

"Information holds a value, in itself and in what it contains, and the value multiplies through copying. Therefore, copying is central for the organization and its members. " "Hopefully, this is one step towards the day when we can live out our faith without fear of persecution," Gerson said in a statement.

I'll get around to it

Girl Scout cookie controversy: Kids saddled with financial risk? - OC Watchdog : The Orange County Register. Gabriella and her mother may love the new "Cookies Now" program, but Misty Perry Isaacson does not share their ardor. Isaacson, an attorney in Santa Ana during non-Girl Scout hours, is also the "cookie manager" for her daughter's troop. Used to be that the girls (and/or their parents) toted around a multi-colored grid sheet; recorded orders for boxes of Caramel deLites, Thin Mints et al on that multi-colored grid sheet; and then delivered the cookies a month or so later. Now, there's another way. The new way of selling Girl Scout cookies -- which is supposed to be easier, faster and more fun -- asks troops to pre-order cookies based on last year's sales, and then go out and sell them. This streamlines the whole process, eliminates the cumbersome order sheet and has been enormously popular where it's been tested, the Scouts say.

The problem, according to Isaacson, is that it leaves girls and their parents on the hook for paying for the cookies they pre-order, whether they sell them or not. Glow kitties. Cat Just in time for Halloween, a team of scientists has introduced a new breed of kittens that glow in the dark. They’re cute, cuddly and bright, with fur that shines yellow-green when you turn off the light. But like the bag you carry around for trick-or-treating, it’s what’s inside these cats that counts. The researchers are testing a way to fight a disease that infects cats all over the world, and the kittens’ spooky glow shows that the test is working. The disease is called Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, or FIV. Because HIV and FIV are similar, scientists suspect that if they find a way to fight FIV, they might discover a way to help people with HIV.

Eric Poeschla led the study on glowing kittens. A virus (like FIV or HIV) is a tiny particle that finds and attacks cells in the body. Poeschla and his colleagues know that FIV can be stopped — but so far, only in rhesus monkeys. A cell’s genes contain the recipes for all the proteins it needs. Molecule A group of atoms bonded together.