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Graphic Organizers - Free Printable Worksheets and Blank Charts for Teachers. PowerPoint Presentations Online - Upload and Share on authorSTREAM. Practical PBL: The Ongoing Challenges of Assessment. In recent years, most students in my project-based AP Government classes have indicated, in both class discussions and anonymously on surveys, that they prefer project-based learning to a more traditional classroom experience.

Practical PBL: The Ongoing Challenges of Assessment

They find PBL more fun and believe that it leads to deeper learning. However, two types of students often resist this model. Students of the first type generally do not enjoy school at all, and are looking for the path of least resistance. Because a PBL classroom is student-centered and calls on students to produce, less-motivated students will find it more difficult to "hide" and be left alone. The second type of student has already been very successful in traditional classrooms and is deterred by the challenges of this new model. Both types of students benefit from the option of choosing their role in project cycles to increase motivation. Fair Assessment of Teamwork 1) Individual Skill Areas 2) Role-Based Assessment 3) "Weighted" Scoring.

FreeBIEs. Fancy > Various fonts. Fancy > Decorative fonts. Free Scrapbook Fonts. Bulletin Boards. Are you out of bulletin board ideas?

Bulletin Boards

Below are some ideas that will work for almost any classroom, any subject, and any grade level. Most of the ideas I borrowed from other teachers. I thank them for their creativity. Backgrounds Are you tired of the same background for your bulletin board? What Are the Six Traits of Writing? Create a bulletin board to show what teachers look for in good writing. Groundhog Day Create a bulletin board to get your students excited about Groundhog Day. Breaking Down the Walls/Barriers Use a background that looks like bricks.

At a Glance For this bulletin board, you need giant plastic sunglasses. In the News If your local newspaper covers your school pretty regularly, cut out the articles about your students and place them on a bulletin board. The Rules to the Game Bulletin Board This idea works well for P.E. games and sports. Computer Information Bulletin Board If you have a computer or two in your room, consider this idea. Schedules and Calendars Bulletin Board. Getting Organized. Organization Tips from Mrs.

Getting Organized

McDavid I have had many teachers stop by my room to ask how I keep things so well organized. I have had other teachers to ask if I would consider teaching a staff development course at our school to help teachers become better organized. Truly it's the small details that make the biggest impact. Organizing the classroom takes time, dedication, and determination but once things are put together the classroom will run smoothly. Materials You Will Need ~ Back to the Top ~ Purge Unused Materials and Non Essential ItemsAs teachers we tend to hoard materials and supplies that we think might come in handy one day. Organizing the Teacher's DeskThe teacher's desk can become a dumping ground for paperwork, papers that need to be filed, correspondence from the main office, items that need to be read or evaluated, and papers that need to be held for future reference.

The next step is designating an area to file your paperwork. I use two different To Do Lists. Opti-Rite® Lite.