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Url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CDYQFjAEahUKEwiw0d6I8IDIAhUDdh4KHU4oDhI&url= A person who makes plans with a person/group but flops last minute. pulls a no-show or changes the plans entirely so that it does not include the person he/she promised to chill with before.


"Yea she said we should go to the mall today but she called just now and said she had something better to do and can't make it. She's such a ditcher! " Someone that ditches/leaves their friends. Also, someone that backs out of plans that they arrange. Chris: Let's go to Applebee's. A Medieval person that digs ditches... The Medieval ditcher was doing his job A person that ditches all of their friends all the time. Ditcher: Hi, I am Jess and I like to ditch my friends 24/7 because I am the queen of ditching. ones who feel the irrisistable urge to take in an individual from the slums, pump them full of amphetamine and evil juices then leave them for dead in a desperate emotional state from which they shall never emerge.

The History of Mental Illness: From "Skull Drills" to "Happy Pills" The limitlessly varied personalities of human beings have fascinated both scientists and fellow members of society throughout the existence of humankind.

The History of Mental Illness: From "Skull Drills" to "Happy Pills"

Of particular interest has been what happens when man’s mind turns against him, and what can be done, if anything at all, to reverse this tragic event. Attempts to treat mental illness date back as early as 5000 BCE as evidenced by the discovery of trephined skulls in regions that were home to ancient world cultures (Porter 10). Early man widely believed that mental illness was the result of supernatural phenomena such as spiritual or demonic possession, sorcery, the evil eye, or an angry deity and so responded with equally mystical, and sometimes brutal, treatments. Trephining (also referred to as trepanning) first occurred in Neolithic times.

During this procedure, a hole, or trephine, was chipped into the skull using crude stone instruments. Alexander, Franz G., and Sheldon T. Blue, Amy V. Houston, R.A. Health and Medicine in Medieval England. Health and medicine in Medieval England were very important aspects of life.

Health and Medicine in Medieval England

For many peasants in Medieval England, disease and poor health were part of their daily life and medicines were both basic and often useless. Towns and cities were filthy and knowledge of hygiene was non-existent. The Black Death was to kill two thirds of England’s population between 1348 and 1350. In 1349, Edward III complained to the Lord Mayor of London that the streets of the city were filthy: No one knew what caused diseases then. Other theories put forward for diseases included “humours”. Astronomers blamed the planets going out of line As important, no-one knew how diseases spread – the fact that people lived so close together in both villages and towns meant that contagious diseases could be rampant when they appeared; as happened with the Black Death.

Physicians were seen as skilled people but their work was based on a very poor knowledge of the human anatomy. Malleus Maleficarum - The European Witch Hunters' Manual. By Jone Johnson Lewis The Malleus Maleficarum, written in 1486 - 1487 in Latin, is also known as "The Hammer of Witches," a translation of the title.

Malleus Maleficarum - The European Witch Hunters' Manual

Its writing is credited to two German Dominican monks, Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger. The two were also theology professors. Sprenger's role is now thought by some scholars to have been largely symbolic rather than active. The Malleus Maleficarum was not the only document about witchcraft written in the medieval period, but it was the best known of the time, and, because it came so soon after Gutenberg's printing revolution, was more widely distributed than previous hand-copied manuals.

The Malleus Maleficarum represents not the beginning of witch persecutions, but came at a peak point in European witchcraft accusations and executions. Background to the Malleus Maleficarum During the 9th through 13th centuries, the church had established and enforced penalties for witchcraft. Continue reading below our video. Tony Robinson on the top five superstitions that gripped medieval Britain. Ancient Britons didn’t despatch people willy-nilly, but in times of crisis – if a whole community was rocked by plague, say – then they might decide to sacrifice somebody as a way of bartering with the gods.

In some cases, a wicker pyre in the shape of a man would be stuffed with animals and even human offerings. We can trace this practice back to Celtic times. The Celts saw the world in which they lived as crammed full of gods. To appease them, they would sacrifice something important: tools, jewellery, a sword (which would be as valuable as a car in today’s terms), slaves or, ultimately, members of the community. This ritual only ended when new religions, like Mithraism and Christianity, took hold. Malleus Maleficarum, a handbook explaining how to identify, capture and kill a witch, was first published in Germany in 1487 and then circulated around Europe, stoking hysteria about witchcraft.