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Apps in Education. ICTmagic. Three Helpful Tools to Add to Your Classroom Blog. The start of the new school year is when I get lots of requests for helping people set up new blogs for their classrooms.

Three Helpful Tools to Add to Your Classroom Blog

Beyond the normal elements of built into your chosen blog platform, there are three things that I almost always recommend that teachers add to make their blogs a true online hub for communication. #1. Ideas to Inspire. When and how often you should be posting on Twitter and Facebook. Some of us tweet and post on Facebook almost nonstop throughout our day, while others tend to limit their posts to a few updates here and there for fear of overloading their friends and followers.

When and how often you should be posting on Twitter and Facebook

As it turns out, there is an optimal time to tweet and post, as well as a favorable frequency of updating that will lead to peak results. In a recent study by award-winning social media scientist, Dan Zarella, he reveals research that determines when and how often we should be reaching out to our own audiences for maximum exposure. Timing your Tweets: Nearly 80% of the general US population is in the Central and Eastern time zone.The highest percentage of retweets occur around 5PM EST, while the highest CTR (click through rate) occurs between noon and 6PM EST.You will achieve a higher CTR by only tweeting 1 – 4 times per hour, especially midweek and on weekends.

In terms of tweeting frequency, I also agree. Nick Clegg says that modern Britain expects too much from teachers. The deputy prime minister is to open up a new front in his disagreements with the education secretary, Michael Gove, criticising the recent decision by the Tories to heap responsibility for children's development on to teachers. Nick Clegg's aides believe the Conservatives have placed too much emphasis on teachers as arbiters of authority over children in the wake of last month's riots. Gove is planning to fast-track former soldiers into school to provide children with more male role models. In a speech to teachers and pupils, Clegg will say: "We already expect our teachers to be social workers, child psychologists, nutritionists, child protection officers. St John the Baptist's Blogs. 79 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom.