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21st Century Education

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Schools revive 'touchy-feely' approach. The pupils file in quietly class by class, the school hall lit from the front with five candles on a table.

Schools revive 'touchy-feely' approach

Soft music plays in the background and images of the pupils taken at various times of the year appear as a slideshow. It is the last assembly of the academic year at Tower Hill primary in Witney, Oxfordshire, and an opportunity for staff and children to reflect on the last 12 months. Brandon comes forward and tells the school how he learned to curb his anger. A directory of educational apps that can be used in the classroom. Michael Rosen's letter from a curious parent.

As you probably know, many people wonder how our children's education is being run at the moment.

Michael Rosen's letter from a curious parent

Up until the last couple of weeks, I thought the one person who would know the answer to this would be you. Now I have my doubts. Can I run past you the chronology on how we parents heard about something that will fundamentally affect the education of all our children – in my case, my two youngest? You'll remember that on 20 June, Tim Shipman of the Daily Mail landed a sensational scoop: precise details of how GCSEs were to be scrapped from September 2014 to be replaced by O-levels, set and examined by a single exam board, alongside "simpler exams, similar to the old CSEs" for "less intelligent pupils".

Ten reasons why game based learning works in education. Give your students the freedom to learn. What do the companies 3M and Google have in common?

Give your students the freedom to learn

They all give their employees pockets of time to work on what they are curious about. In this time, they have complete autonomy over how they work, who they work with and what they experiment with. Ironically, given this freedom, they tend to work on creative solutions that will benefit their company – a win-win situation if ever there was one. This is not a recent development: 3M employees have had 15% time every week since the 1930s and if you have ever used a Post-it note you have been the beneficiary of this 15% time. Remarkably, Google's famed 20% time, the equivalent of one working day per week, has been responsible for 50% of Google's products including Gmail and Google News.

"Queen of Kodu" Tutorials.

Flipped classroom

TED-Ed turns ideas into lessons, children into educators. Andy Robertson Chief GeekDad TED-Ed is a new part of the TED family that aims to help turn videos -- such as a YouTube clip -- into classroom-ready lessons with questions, essays and further reading advice.

TED-Ed turns ideas into lessons, children into educators

Numerous features of TED-Ed make the process easy for professional educators and enthusiastic parents. But where it could have been limited to only working with TED talks, it allows any YouTube video to become a TED-Ed lesson. My kids took to the idea immediately -- but not quite how I expected. A Little Bird Told Me…. April 20, 2012Mary Blake A Little Bird Told Me….

A Little Bird Told Me….

Could I encourage anyone who hasn’t done so already to try Twitter out? It is a great place for teachers to share resources and ideas. 4 Lessons Elearning Can Take From The "Draw Something" App. It’s a dog… No, cow… No, a Furby! Conjuring memories of the laughter, tears and broken friendships shared in the 1985 classic Pictionary, Draw Something has set a new benchmark in mobile gaming. Launched only a few months ago, OMGPOP‘s instant hit has caught the eye of more than just bored gamers.

If you have not yet been caught up in the hype, Draw Something is an extremely addictive, free mobile game for both iOS and Android. Based on a social gaming foundation, the game pitches friends in a battle of drawing prowess where artistic flair is judged on whether competitors can guess what has been drawn. Just seven weeks after release the game had been downloaded 35 million times and was recently acquired by social gaming giant Zynga. So what is it that clicked with users, making Draw Something the huge overnight success? Social Gaming No one likes to play alone.

Educational games need to take a lead on the social aspects of gaming. Cloud Blog - Norfolk Cloud Experts. Digital Leaders 2011-12 - Preparing for Interview. We have now reached the deadline for applications for the position of Digital Leader at Bowling Park.

Digital Leaders 2011-12 - Preparing for Interview

We have had about 40 applications, but there are just 9 places available! ICT Subject. ICT Tools for Education. #edpad. Dear Mr Gove: Michael Rosen's letter from a curious parent. My, aren't you busy!

Dear Mr Gove: Michael Rosen's letter from a curious parent

If you're not busying about with Suffolk selling off a primary school, you're busying about in Haringey turning a school that doesn't want it, into an academy. I'm a parent of two school-age children – and several older ones – and like you, I visit a lot of schools. Imagine my surprise to hear that the new curriculum we're all waiting for is going to be delayed by a whole year.

I have to admit some confusion here.

iPads in schools

iPads. Art. Teachercast. Teachercast. Bill Gates' Big Play: How Much Can Money Buy in Education? - Living in Dialogue. Kings Norton school embrace social media  Michael Rosen. Best teachers to be made ‘masters’ of the classroom. Life in a 21st-Century English Class. Teaching Strategies Creating a Common Craft-style video is part of the classroom assignment.

Life in a 21st-Century English Class

By Shelley Wright I teach in an inquiry, project-based, technology embedded classroom. Embedding ICT - For added flavour, liberally sprinkle some ICT. Over 100 ideas for using Twitter in the Classroom. This handful of resources provide about 100 different ideas for, and examples of, using Twitter in the classroom.

Over 100 ideas for using Twitter in the Classroom

It’s been almost 8 months since I published the post, “6 Examples of Using Twitter in the Classroom”, about uses of the popular micro-blogging tool in the instructional setting.

Blogs & google docs

How Do We Prepare Our Children for What’s Next? Culture Digital Tools Teaching Strategies Paul Schultz What kids learn at a young age will determine whether they're prepared for a future full of unknowns.

How Do We Prepare Our Children for What’s Next?

When most of us were deciding what to major in at college, the word Google was not a verb. It wasn’t anywhere close to being conceived at all. Neither was Wikipedia or the iPhone or YouTube. You Cannot Afford Not to Become a Digital Leader! Do you ever Google yourself? If you don’t, why not? Try IT this year – Ten Techie things to try this year. 1) Build your person learning network Imagine a place where you can ask for a child-friendly video about the Battle of Hastings at 2am on a Thursday and five people point you in the direction of a perfect resource. This is your personal learning network (PLN). It’s like that teacher in your school with all the best, shiny and useful resources locked in their stock cupboard, but your PLN is not just willing, but eager to share with you. A collection of fellow handpicked educational professional with more resources, ideas, advice and CPD opportunities than you could ever use.

How do we make our schools fit to face the 21st century? The Observer panel, chaired by Yvonne Roberts: Guy Claxton, professor of learning sciences; Sue Street, inner city school teacher; Melissa Benn, journalist and campaigner; Rachel Wolf, education adviser; Peter Hyman, teacher and former political strategist. What is education for in the 21st century? Rachel Wolf The best thing that schools can do now is make sure people have the core of knowledge and skills and ability to decide what they want to do with their lives.

Guy Claxton Education means learning to think for yourself, learning to make and repair friendships, learning to see other people's points of view, learning not to be frightened of uncertainty or difficulty. Cloud expert sites.