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Are You Running Enough Miles? By Matt Fitzgerald, Published Oct. 23, 2013, Updated Jan. 18, 2016 at 12:24 PM PDT It's a simple concept: Running more training miles makes you faster for race day. Photo: Chances are, you’re probably not. According to the 2013 National Runner Survey put out by Running USA, the average competitive runner runs 35.5 miles a week. Is that enough? Let me answer the question this way: If 10 randomly selected competitive runners were brought to me to discuss their goals and receive my advice, I would probably advise nine of them to run more.

Running more is the surest and most potent means to improve as a runner. An analogy helps explain why. RELATED: Maintaining Speed During Marathon Training Running faster is like stretching your dollars. The best evidence from science and the real world suggest that the more we run, the better we race. There is, of course, a point beyond which increased training becomes counterproductive. RELATED: 3 Things Every Runner Should Do. 17 CM Participant Guide. The Best Running Songs: July 2017 Playlist. I used to be a purist when it came to running and music. I was against listening during training runs. (And during a race?!

Blasphemous!) I needed to be in touch with my body and with nature—to hear the chirping birds, scurrying squirrels, the neighbor’s yappy dog, and the crunch of leaves under my swiftly moving feet. Of course, this all came to a screeching halt when I finally purchased an iPod—a bright pink nano that conveniently clips right onto my shorts. Now, I drown out that discouraging voice with a driving beat and sometimes hilariously serendipitous lyrics, like when The Wood Brothers sing “I don’t believe I’d have made it up the mountain / without a fire burning under my behind” as I am doing hill repeats. Often I find myself belting out a lyric or two or air drumming along with a tune before I remember that, no, I am not invisible and yes, people can still hear me. Jamie and I used to run together almost exclusively. You can find all our older playlists in the archive. Runnersworld.

The best runners in the world run hills all the time, both in their daily training and in specific hill workouts. Among the reasons: Hills can improve your running form by increasing knee lift, joint mobility, and neuromuscular fitness (how well your nervous system communicates with your muscles).Hills improve muscular strength (your legs’ ability to produce force) and power (the ability to produce a lot of force quickly).Hills provide an added cardiovascular boost. We’re not talking just uphill running here. Learning how to run dowhill efficiently can: improve your foot speed;increase your range of motion;make you a smoother, more efficient runner on any terrain;reduce your risk of injuries as you become adept at not crashing into the ground. Of course, getting better at running up and down hills will also help you in any race with hills. How to Run Uphill You may have heard that the best way to get to the top is to “lean into the hill.”

How to Run Downhill How to Race Uphill. Four Tempo Workouts for Runners. The purpose of a tempo workout is to run at a sustained effort to build "speed endurance"—that is, the ability to hold a challenging pace over a longer period of time. Here are four fun tempo workouts geared to raising the roof on your threshold. I refer to the intensity of the workout via color, using yellow, orange, and red zones to denote easy, moderately challenging, and hard. Tempo effort is best described as comfortably hard: It’s somewhere between the top of your orange zone and bottom of your red zone. High-Five Tempo Workout This is a great workout for those who are new to running tempos because it breaks the tempo portion down into shorter segments.

Warm up by walking for three minutes.Run at an easy, yellow-zone effort for five minutes.Repeat four times: Run at tempo effort for five minutes, followed by two minutes of easy jogging.Run at an easy, yellow-zone effort for five minutes.Cool down by walking for three minutes. TOTAL TIME 44 minutes Break It in Two Tempo Workout.

5 Foods That Can Help You Get to Sleep : Bananas. 7 Benefits Of Meditating Daily | Fifty Is The New Fifty. Meditation practices have been around for thousands of years. Prayer in many respects is a form of meditation and other practices have been developed to allow our minds and our bodies to renew themselves with this simple practice. We’re going to cover the essential benefits of meditation and various ways that you can easily get into a highly meditative state. What’s significant is that clinical studies have shown that meditating as little as seven minutes a day has remarkable benefits both physiologically and psychologically.

Here are some of the highlights: Meditation reduces blood pressure. Those seven benefits are actually the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of meditation. Meditative techniques There are formalized techniques for meditation including TM or Transcendental Meditation and the Silva Method. Find a quiet place where you can sit or lie down comfortably. The goal is to try and meditate at least once a day, every day for at least seven minutes. 8 Practical Ways to Deal With Pee Problems on the Run : If All Else Fails, Grab a Cup. Women with stress incontinence are often told to do Kegels, exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Trouble is, those work only if your problem stems from weakness, says Lauren Garges, P.T., a board certified women’s health physical therapist in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. That isn’t always the case. First, a little anatomy. Your pelvic floor muscles stretch from your pubic bone in the front to your tailbone in the back and side to side between your hip bones—kind of like an internal trampoline.

The stretchy shelf they form suspends organs like the bladder and uterus above the orifices below, Garges says. For women, the strain of pregnancy and childbirth, hormonal shifts, and the force of gravity over time can weaken and stretch pelvic muscles and ligaments. Chicago runner Tanya Kopke felt the full force of the matter at a neighborhood 5K, which she ran about six months after her daughter was born in 2009. 7 Benefits Of Meditating Daily | Fifty Is The New Fifty. 5 Simple Exercises That Will Transform Your Body in Just Four Weeks. Everyone talks about health and fitness nowadays. And while many people around us are members of expensive gyms and take “magical supplements”, there are also those who just have a healthy diet and perform bodyweight exercises at home.

Who do you think will get better results? You guessed it. In most cases, the people who are able to introduce healthier habits into their lifestyle without relying too much on popular trends, are those who will certainly achieve better progress. That’s why we would like to remind that the best solutions to most problems are usually in front of our noses. All you need to do is just return to the basics. There is no miraculous exercise or superfood with powerful fat loss properties that can replace the simple exercises presented below. Here we go: Plank The plank is probably the most underrated exercises ever. It’s a one-move static exercise that will strengthen your core, abs, and shoulders.

Push-ups Squats Bird-dog Lying hip raises The four-week workout routine: How Fast Would You Run A Marathon? | FiveThirtyEight. PUBLISHED 3:23 PM EDT | Nov 3, 2016 How Fast Would You Run A Marathon? By Christie Aschwanden and Ella Koeze Originally developed at Slate and now updated with an improved prediction formula Predicted marathon time Target split: 00:00:00 No matter your age, sex, size or skill level, this calculator can estimate how fast you’d run 26.2 miles based on your training regimen and your performance in just one recent race (or two, if you want a more fine-tuned assessment). Training regimen How many miles are you typically running per week while training for your marathon? Miles Race 1 Describe your longest recent race Race distance 5 miles 10 miles Half marathon Race difficulty Fast (cool, calm or flat) Average Hard (hilly, hot or windy) Note: Races completed under extremely challenging or easy conditions are not very good for predicting marathon times.

What was your time? Hrs min sec Race 2 (optional) Describe another recent race that was a different length than Race 1 Want To See A Faster Olympic Marathon? Here’s a Better Marathon Time Predictor. A smarter method: Have a more accurate appraisal of your marathon time from the start, and plan your pace accordingly. That’s what the new Predictor is designed to help you do. Many previous online calculators are based on innovative work done by American runner and course-measurement expert Pete Riegel. Only Riegel faced a severe limitation: When he created his first “equivalent time calculator” in 1977, he had little data to work with, so he based his calculator on the performances of world-record holders, fully realizing that his formula might not apply to mid-pack and back-of-the-pack runners.

Once unleashed, Riegel’s formula became so popular that it took on a life on its own. Other calculators were based on aerobic fitness, a key component of marathon success, but far from the only one. When Vickers ran the numbers, he discovered a discrepancy between his results and other marathon predictors. Of course, a lot depends on your training mileage. Yoga poses to tone the inner thighs. Feeling a little weakness in the knees or looking to tone those thighs? For runners, getting the thighs in ship-shape has a purpose beyond just aesthetics. A large portion of us are prone to having weak and underdeveloped muscles in these areas. That can lead to injury. The hip adductors (better known as the groin or inner thigh muscles) are comprised of a group of five individual muscles: the pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, gracilis and adductor magnus.

Together, these muscles are responsible for hip flexion, extension and rotation. They also work to move the leg towards the mid-line so that as we run, we can keep our legs from swinging out to the side and maintain a controlled back and forth motion. Imbalance between the quadriceps and the adductors is quite common in runners and can lead to injury and knee pain. Article continues after advertisement The best way to improve muscular imbalance is through a stretching and strengthening program. Gate Pose Goddess Pose Side Plank. Yoga for running - Yahoo Canada Search Results. Yoga for running - Yahoo Canada Search Results.

How To Run the Tangents In A Race (And Why You Should!) Each year, since the advent of GPS watches, a massive debate ensues at my local Memorial Day 10K. Why, everyone wants to know, does one person’s watch say 6.31 miles and another’s says 6.42 miles? “This is an outrage!” They cry. “A travesty! The course is inaccurate!” Inevitably, if you’ve had a version of this debate before—and you probably have—someone has argued the problem is that you aren’t running the tangents. In geometry, a tangent is a straight line that touches a point on a curve or a circle, but does not cross it. RELATED: Is your GPS watch lying to you on race day? “You want to follow the line that’s closest to that corner,” says Dave Munger, the author of the blog, Science-Based Running. Some estimates suggest that running the outside of a turn, as opposed to the inside, can turn out to be up to 40 feet farther. This is all fairly straightforward and logical: you want to run the shortest distance possible around a curve.

PHOTOS: Dos and Don’ts of Running the Tangents. Bounce Back After Your Marathon. Yet 13 days later, Hall laced up her spikes again in China, moved her way up throughout the race, and finished as the top American in 20th place. How did she go from completely gassed to racing in top form in less than two weeks? A lot of self-belief and grit, along with a well-thought-out recovery plan, gave her a shot at competing to the best of her ability.

For most of us, the marathon is the ultimate goal, and we put little thought into how we are going to bounce back. Still, even if you're not shooting for the ideal short-term recovery, these tips Hall used will help you get back to normal much sooner. Take a dip. Find your nearest pool and splash around. This simple but neglected tip is one I initially took from my high school coach, Gerald Stewart. Get protein and sleep. Keep it moving. Steve Magness coaches professional runners and the cross country team at the University of Houston, where he is pursuing a doctorate in exercise science. 9 Tried-and-True Approaches to Recovery : 9 Tried-and-True Approaches to Recovery. Welcome back, {* welcomeName *}!

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Coach Culpepper: Tips For Racing Boston | Page 3 of 9. Get Faster for Your Next Half Marathon. Try beginning your speedwork with one tempo run a week. This allows for some adaptation time to this increased intensity. Include a one- to two-mile warmup period before picking up the pace for the tempo or speed part of your workout. Keep the tempo portion of this run to four to six miles for the first few weeks. As you adjust to this new intensity, then you can increase the tempo distance of these runs to six to eight miles. Here are some suggestions for tempo runs to get you started: Hard/Easy Run: After your warmup, drop the pace and run "hard" for one to three minutes. After the hard segment, run easy to recover from this effort for three minutes.

Negative Split Run: Start with an easy pace and gradually drop your run pace by 10 to 15 seconds each mile. Mile Repeats: Measure out one mile on a flat, lightly traveled road. When you can hit all the miles at the same time, you can drop the goal time by 15 seconds. Broken Mile Workout: Do three to four sets of 1200 + 400 runs. 10 Essential Strength Exercises for Runners. We asked our experts to come up with 10 essential strength exercises for runners. Worried about fitting this routine into your training schedule? Don’t worry, these 10 exercises take 30 minutes to complete and can be done twice a week.

Try adding them to your easy or cross-training days. Planks Prop yourself up on your elbows with your feet slightly apart. Make sure your body is aligned, your abdominal muscles are tight, and shoulders are directly above the elbows and down and back, not hunched up. Modifications: Plank variations include: side planks to target obliques, single leg planks, spider planks, mountain climber planks, and supine planks. Repetitions: 3 to 5 Muscles worked: core, lower back, shoulders Lower-Body Russian Twist Lie on your back with your upper legs perpendicular to the floor and your knees bent 90-degrees. Modification: To make it harder, keep your legs straight. Repetitions: 10 to 12 Muscles worked: core More: Looking for a runner-focused workout?

Scorpion Back Extensions. What Dehydration Does to Your Body and How You Can Prevent It. 36 Pictures To See Which Muscle You're Stretching. Progress from “Today” Speed to Target Speed. Five Keys to Winter Training and Racing. How Not to Be a Head Case at Your Big-City Race. 8 Great Activity Trackers for Runners : 8 Great Activity Trackers for Runners. Refuel to Boost Recovery. 5 Drills to Make You a Better Runner. How to Improve Your Half-Marathon Performance.

Bucket List: 10 Big City Marathons. Six Exercises to Improve Running Form. Get Better, Stay Better.