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Log In - Wiffiti. Open Culture. SHOUT: Explore. Connect. Act. Prison Initiative. Social Media Classroom. In an educational setting, the social media classroom is designed to augment or—when physical co-presence is not possible—to replace face-to-face interaction.

Social Media Classroom

The power derived from using social media in group learning processes comes not from a more efficient computerized extension of older communication forms—the classroom discussion, texts to be read, essays and theses to be written. The power of social media in education and elsewhere derives from their affordances for forms of communication and social behavior that were previously prohibitively difficult or expensive for more than a tiny elite to benefit.

The greatest value that the SMC can add to a learning community is its ability to support critical, collaborative inquiry—a student-centric pedagogy that engages students in actively constructing knowledge together about issues that matter to them, rather than passively absorbing it from texts, lectures, and discussions. OpenLearn - The Open University.