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Christmas Baking

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Happily After Giving Birth – 10 Things They Don't Tell You — Pregnant Chicken. Haven't I painted a pretty picture here?

Happily After Giving Birth – 10 Things They Don't Tell You — Pregnant Chicken

Aren't you looking forward to all the treats that come with motherhood? Well, thankfully, not all of them happen to everybody and you (and everyone around you) will be so focused on the new little person that you'll have little time or energy to worry about much else. And hey, who cares, you made a person. A whole person. It doesn't matter if you're a surly, bald, sweaty garden slug for a while, you just performed a miracle so unless you're booked to walk the runway in your underpants in two weeks, don't worry about it and tell anybody who says otherwise to eat shit. Fudge Part II: Baileys Vanilla Bean & Peppermint Mocha. I wrapped up yesterday's all morning fudge making marathon with four flavors: Pomegranate, Espresso Chocolate, Baileys Vanilla Bean and Peppermint Mocha.

Fudge Part II: Baileys Vanilla Bean & Peppermint Mocha

I've recruited Mr. Humble to sample all the flavors and he is groaning, but I am pretty sure they are happy groans. Sound Thinking - The ultimate guitar chord finder. A virtual chord and scale encyclopedia at Some of the BEST Christmas Cookies. One of my favorite things about the holidays is coming up with new cookie recipes to try and share with family friends.

Some of the BEST Christmas Cookies

Today I am excited to share some of the best Christmas cookies. They all look so delicious! Here are some new ones to inspire you. And if you’re wondering how to host a cookie exchange this year check out this post here for rules and this post for some free cookie exchange printables!