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Photo editor | PicMonkey: Free Online Photo Editing. The 8 best free photo editors | Photography. We've selected the very best free photo editors that are a cut above the basic functionality you'll find in native software. Professional-grade photo editing software can be expensive - very expensive. Go-to photo editor Photoshop has a hefty subscription and most of its key rivals will hit you in the pocket for their software. However, there are free photo editors that can peform more tasks than you think. Most are in the form of apps for mobile or tablet, but there are also desktop and web-based applications which will perform very capably. Here goes... Platform: Linux, Windows, Mac An open-source photo editor that debuted on Unix-based platforms, GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program.

The team that oversees development has worked hard to ensure compatibility too, so you'll be able to work with all the popular file formats without any trouble at all. 02. Platform: Windows Chasys Draw IES is not so much a photo editor but a full suite of editing applications. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. Photography Ideas Professional Website Creative Famous Photographers Commercial ONE EYELAND. How to Take Full Advantage of Lightroom's Develop Module, a Thorough Walkthrough. Behind every great photograph is a well-crafted creative workflow, and if you haven’t honed yours yet, then this seminar by photographer Robert Rodriguez Jr. will help you nail it down.

In a little over an hour, he details the four steps he uses in Lightroom’s Develop module to go from RAW file to final, edited image. After briefly introducing the steps of the workflow, Rodriguez dives into a number of before-and-after images. In the ten minute segment he breaks down each image, pointing out along the way how each step within the workflow helps to shape the final product. At about the fourteen minute mark, Rodriguez dives into Lightroom and shows you how he gets the results he wants using nothing more than the standard Develop module. Using approximately thirty minutes for each image he edits, Rodriguez thoroughly explains every minute detail of the process along the way. It’s a bit of a long watch, coming in at 75-minutes, but it doesn’t get much more thorough than this. (via Reddit) Tutorial: How to Properly Pose Subjects in Every Circumstance.

As much as composition, proper exposure, and location can affect how good your subjects look in a photo, posing plays a very crucial and often overlooked role — well, overlooked until you realize that all of your portraits look awkward and unnatural. Fortunately, there are resources out there to help. And so if you’re one of those photographers for whom posing individuals and groups doesn’t come naturally, this fantastic seminar put together by B&H should help a great deal. The video is a full course that was put on by world renown wedding photographer Jerry Ghionis. A master of posing, he shares his techniques using live demonstrations, covering just about every pose imaginable… which might sound like a hyperbole but it really isn’t. The best part of this presentation is that he manages to cover bases that are often overlooked and cause photographers the most problems: dealing with odd height couples, how to pose plus size brides, and working with couples who aren’t fans of being posed.

Digital Photography Tips and Tutorials. How to Apply a Custom Lens Vignette in Photoshop. Achieving a lens vignette in-camera is not always an option. Even then, the effect you were striving for might not turn out the way you had imagined. Unfortunately, you can not manipulate authentic lens vignettes to conform to your specific photo…or can you? When post processing your image in Photoshop – especially if it is a portrait – adding a custom lens vignette that compliments the highlights and shadows of your photo is an invaluable skill to add to your Photoshop tool belt. Below is a very simple, quick, and entirely customizable way to apply the dramatic atmosphere a lens vignette provides to any photo you choose. 1. A vignette should always be added to your image at the end of the editing process. If you decide to crop your photo differently or alter the colors, the vignette would most definitely get in the way of that. 2.

When finished, click on the Refine Edge button located in the top tool bar for the Marquee tool. 3. 4. 5. Website: Ingenious Tip for Taking Professional Looking Product Shots on the Cheap with Your Smartphone. The guys over at HouseholdHacker have come up with and shared a cheap product photography trick that’s incredibly simple but yields awesome results. And all you need to take advantage of it is some sort of reflective surface (they used a glossy black trashcan…), a computer monitor, and a smartphone camera! There’s really not much to it, but the results are impressive given how absurdly simple it is. Just set up your glossy platform in front of the monitor, pull up a photo of some great bokeh on the screen, and set up an LED lamp if you need some more lighting. When you line up your shot, you’ll get something that you don’t typically see smartphones spit out: The technique is incredibly simple and literally anybody with a smartphone, a monitor and some sort of glossy surface can take advantage to up their product photography game right away.

(via Gizmodo) Learn How To Remove Anything From A Photo Using Photoshop. Pin It How many times have you taken a photo and not noticed something unwanted in the frame? Maybe a tree branch that appears as if it’s coming from someone’s head, or someone stepped into the frame who wasn’t meant to be there, or perhaps a set piece out of place, we’ve been there. Sometimes it’s due to negligence, sometimes you have no control over the matter, and other times everything else in the shot couldn’t be more right and you just have to get rid of that item. Well, Phlearn and Aaron Nace have put together a tutorial which illustrates methods anyone with Photoshop can employ to remove any unwanted thing from a picture. [REWIND: A Sneak Peak Of A New Photoshop CC Feature] In this particular instance, the objects in question are a rather obvious garbage can sitting too close to the model, and a light post. Pin It Pin It Thoughts One of the best things about Aaron is the manner in which he brings across the material; unassuming, and not in the least bit patronizing.

Digital Photography Tips and Tutorials. Digital Photography Lessons - Free Photography Course, DSLR Lessons & Tips. Whether you just purchased a brand new digital SLR camera or you're still trying to figure out how to use the one you've had for a while, these lessons can help you master your camera in no time. Many people have excellent cameras, but don't use them to their fullest artistic extent. These tutorials will help you take pictures like a professional, which makes photography a thrilling and satisfying hobby or money-making business! GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THESE LESSONS...Serious study of any art or academic discipline requires a combination of tenacity, maturity and a desire to integrate each day's learning into practice.

We strongly suggest that you take your time as you work your way through the wealth of information, reference images and explanations that await here. If you want to become a seriously good photographer who creates compelling images that can earn both praise and money, then you need to take your time here and approach your learning with a serious attitude! Free Digital Photography Courses, Photography Lessons, and Tutorials. Screenshot 2014 05 01 07 39 57. Screenshot 2014 05 01 07 40 20.