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Fresh Decorating Ideas to Try. 50+ DIY Project Ideas for the Bedroom. Ten Tips for The Sexiest Bedroom... Like Ever (And also for finding love) Mae West was famous for saying, "The best way to get over a guy is to get under a new guy. " Despite its many implications, it was a good reminder to me that amidst all the politics of dating, as an Apartment Therapist, underneath it ALL is a bed and the BEST way to catch the new person you want is to have a fantastic bedroom. Your bedroom is the clearest expression of how you are feeling about yourself right now and is bathed in your pheromones. Justin Klosky reminds us that an organized bedroom is a happier bedroom: Error loading player: No playable sources found Error: Error loading playlist: No playable sources found After two long years, I've updated this post, added new pics and saved all of your great comments. Now sex is always a good starting point and a sexy bedroom is essential, but what you also want it a bedroom that supports your LOVE - both for yourself and for others.

Let's talk about personal, comfortable and curated. So give yourself a chance! Here's my shortlist. 1. 2. 3. Tutorials for storing your stuff. How to Paint a Room. Painting is one of the easiest ways to bring color to your decor. Here's how to paint a room like a pro. -Today, I'm going to show you how to paint a room like a pro. These five easy steps will make your next paint job a success. First, get the right tools for the job. Most paint jobs require damp cloth, painter's tape, 5-in-1 tool or putty knife, 2-inch angle sash brush, a 3-inch brush, a roller and roller pan. Use synthetic roller covers and brushes with dense nylon bristles when using latex paint.