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Markdown. Hlisting-proposal - Microformats. This document represents a draft microformat specification. Although drafts are somewhat mature in the development process, the stability of this document cannot be guaranteed, and implementers should be prepared to keep abreast of future developments and changes. Watch this wiki page, or follow discussions on the #microformats Freenode IRC channel to stay up-to-date. hListing is a proposal for an open, distributed listings (UK English: small-ads; classifieds) format suitable for embedding in (X)HTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML. hListing would be one of several microformats open standards. Draft Proposal Editors Authors and Contributors Assaf Arkin, Labnotes Craig Donato, Oodle Ryan King Introduction While descriptions of products and services are common on the Web, particularly on e-commerce sites, we are proposing an hListing microformat for sharing, searching, and syndicating the information that helps match up buyers and sellers.

Inspiration and Acknowledgments Scope Out of Scope Format. Flash, DHTML Menus and Accessibility. Set for printing It's not uncommon to hear developers complaining that their DHTML menus, when triggered, have dropped behind the Flash movie below them. It's also not uncommon to hear, "that's just how they work. " Before Flash Player 6, that was true in many browsers. But nowadays, it's become urban legend. With Flash Player 6, Macromedia introduced for Netscape and Mac OS X (previously it was supported only for Windows). In the process, this also gave developers a way to completely hide Flash from older screen readers and the issues they can have with it. In fact, when Flash is purely used as eye candy, it's wise to remove it from the flow of the screen reader's page so that they don't have to listen to . If you've never listened to your Web pages with a screen reader, I highly recommend downloading a trial of either JAWS or Window-Eyes , the two most common screen readers.

I've had an interest in accessibility for quite some time. There are three window modes. Windows Netscape 7.0. 24 ways. The Form Assembly - Create and Process State-of-the-Art Web Form.