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My howto install OS X natively on a PC. Porting the Amplitude Application from the iPhone to a Windows M. Many iPhone developers are discovering the potential for new markets and significant revenue opportunities within the Windows Mobile environment and are wondering how to port their Apple applications to Windows® phones.

Porting the Amplitude Application from the iPhone to a Windows M

This case study documents the efforts and experiences of an iPhone application developer in porting the iPhone application Amplitude to a phone running Windows Mobile 6.5. Based on his experience, it offers technical depth, code samples, useful links, observations, and tips to help accelerate porting projects.

A blog about microformats and “data at the edges” : Microformats. To date, Yahoo!

a blog about microformats and “data at the edges” : Microformats

Have definitely been the biggest champion of microformats among high profile large web companies. As commented here many times, they implement microformats in many of their properties, and their new SearchMonkey search platform even indexes microformatted content, and makes this index available to search application developers.