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API. Maps. Api. Google Patents Search Box With Two Buttons. Intellectual property laws are in place for good reason.

Google Patents Search Box With Two Buttons

But is Google's iconically simplistic home page interface reason enough? The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office appears to think so, although it took them over 5 years to decide the matter. Google Unexplained Phenomenon Mystery Solved… Or Is it? We’ve all seen it, and we’ve all been bashing our heads all weekend trying to figure what did Google mean with their cryptic tweet and odd logo in which the aliens have abducted the letter “O”. Well, while we’re still not sure that the mystery has been completely solved, some new clues about Google’s unexplained phenomenon have emerged. September 5th was the 20th anniversary of the game Zero Wing , from which the phrase and one of the most popular Internet memes of all time – “all your base are belong to us” – originates.

That bit of information completes most of the puzzle. Google was celebrating the anniversary of the game; the aliens that were stealing the “o” from Google could have been the aliens from the game, which also explains Google’s tweet which, when translated, says “All your o are belong to us”.