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Timelines. Historia gier komputerowych. Historia gier komputerowych – interaktywnych programów komputerowych służących do celów rozrywkowych – obejmuje okres od 1947 roku, kiedy wynaleziono pierwszy prototyp gry elektronicznej. Do 1972 roku gry komputerowe były produkcjami akademickimi, a do masowego obiegu weszły za sprawą gry Pong. Dzięki jego popularności powstały platformy do gry – automaty i konsole, a od lat 80. XX wieku także komputery osobiste. Od lat 90. Początki gier komputerowych (1947–1972)[edytuj | edytuj kod] Prototypem gry komputerowej był wynaleziony w 1947 roku przez Amerykanów Thomasa A. Popularyzacja gier komputerowych i platform do grania (lata 70. i 80.

Rozwój gier na automaty (1972–1983)[edytuj | edytuj kod] Sukces Ponga przyczynił się do popularyzacji automatów do gier Druga generacja konsol (1977–1983)[edytuj | edytuj kod] Początek gier na komputery (1972–1989)[edytuj | edytuj kod] Znaczącą sławę w latach 80. Urządzenie mobilne. Urządzenie mobilne – (przenośne) urządzenie elektroniczne pozwalające na przetwarzanie, odbieranie oraz wysyłanie danych bez konieczności utrzymywania przewodowego połączenia z siecią. Urządzenie mobilne może być przenoszone przez użytkownika bez konieczności angażowania dodatkowych środków (definicja zaproponowana przez M. Macutkiewicza w pracy Wykorzystanie rozwiązań mobilnych w systemach klasy e-commerce).

Typowym zastosowaniem może być odbieranie i wysyłanie poczty elektronicznej oraz przeglądanie stron sieci WWW za pomocą aplikacji mobilnych. Urządzenia mobilne są równoprawnym kanałem dostępu do bankowości[1]. Przykłady urządzeń mobilnych[edytuj | edytuj kod] Ewolucja urządzeń mobilnych[edytuj | edytuj kod] Ewolucja urządzeń mobilnych Podczas pokazów Consumer Electronics mających miejsce w Las Vegas w 1992 roku po raz pierwszy została użyta nazwa PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) odnosząc się do urządzenia Apple Newton Message Pad. Zobacz też[edytuj | edytuj kod] Przypisy. Historyczny moment - smartfony prześcignęły telefony komórkowe. Czas, aby starej szkoły telefony komórkowe odeszły na bok i zrobiły miejsce dla smartfonów, które są obecnie najpopularniejszym na świecie rodzajem telefonów.

Firma analityczna IDC przygotowała raport, z którego wynika, że w pierwszym kwartale 2013 r. ponad połowę sprzedanych telefonów stanowiły smartfony. Producenci sprzedali łącznie 418,6 mln telefonów, z czego 216,2 mln to smartfony. Największe udziały w globalnym rynku ma Samsung. Wynoszą one 32,7 proc., z wynikiem 70,7 mln sprzedanych telefonów. Zagraniczne źródła sugerują, że teraz, gdy coraz więcej ludzi kupuje smartfony lub ma już takie urządzenie, producenci powinni skupić się bardziej na rynkach, gdzie ciągle popularne są zwykłe telefony komórkowe. Słowo "telefon" zmienia powoli znaczenie. Video. So, lots of people with Tivos in the New York City area all got their jollies on Friday when this was dutifully recorded for posterity on their hard drives: WARNING: Audio is not safe for work.

Listen with headphones! That’s right. Sue Simmons, news anchor for WNBC, dropped the F-Bomb on live TV. The backstory: she thought the segment was being taped, her co-anchor missed his cue, and she got a little… well, punchy. Naturally, everyone had to get their licks in regarding this incident, including the New York Times, who devoted a whole story to the affair, complete with typical “person on the street” quotes: Peter King, who works in an architectural office on the Upper West Side, echoed Mr. You know, I’m sure Sue Simmons knows how to talk too. The declining standards, I think, show in how the incident is being reported. The shock value really doesn’t come from the word. In any case, I really do hope she keeps her job, and if she does, more power to her. A Brief History of Digital Video. Page 2 - The history of digital photography - Slideshow. Believe it or not, non-chemical cameras have only existed for 30 years — and true digital cameras that store files as JPEGs and MPEGs have been around for just 20 years.

After last week’s Lytro announcement, we found ourselves thinking about the major advances and innovations that have shaped digital photography. It’s been a crazy ride, after all! From CCDs to CMOS, from the first DSLR that required a shoulder-carried auxiliary unit to the first point-and-shoot with a built-in LCD TFT screen, and from cameras that had 1MB of volatile RAM to the invention of CompactFlash and removable storage. At the end of the slideshow, we’ll also cover the latest emerging technologies that look set to change the landscape of digital photography yet again.

Without further ado, the very first commercial, electronic camera: the Sony Mavica. Says Smartphone Sales Grew 46.5 Percent in Second Quarter of 2013 and Exceeded Feature Phone Sales for First Time. Egham, UK, August 14, 2013 View All Press Releases Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales Grew 3.6 Percent in Second Quarter of 2013 Microsoft Has Become the No. 3 Smartphone OS Overtaking BlackBerry Worldwide mobile phone sales to end users totaled 435 million units in the second quarter of 2013, an increase of 3.6 percent from the same period last year, according to Gartner, Inc.

Worldwide smartphone sales to end users reached 225 million units, up 46.5 percent from the second quarter of 2012. Sales of feature phones to end users totaled 210 million units and declined 21 percent year-over-year. “Smartphones accounted for 51.8 percent of mobile phone sales in the second quarter of 2013, resulting in smartphone sales surpassing feature phone sales for the first time,” said Anshul Gupta, principal research analyst at Gartner.

Table 1 Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Vendor in 2Q13 (Thousands of Units) Source: Gartner (August 2013) Table 2 Mobile Phone Vendor Perspective Table 3 Contacts. Smartphone Sales Top Feature Phones Thanks to Samsung. Smartphone sales were on the rise again during the quarter, toppling sales of feature phones for the first time, according to data from Gartner. Samsung was out in front with more than 71 million units sold, thanks to its Galaxy S 4 smartphone, up almost 30 percent from the same time period last year. Apple came in second with about 32 million iPhones sold. "Smartphones accounted for 51.8 percent of mobile phone sales in the second quarter of 2013, resulting in smartphone sales surpassing feature phone sales for the first time," Anshul Gupta, principal research analyst at Gartner, said in a statement.

IDC, however, said that milestone occurred a little earlier in the year. Back in April, the firm said 418.6 million mobile phones were shipped in Q1 2013, including 216.2 million smartphones — more than half of the total market. Whenever it happened, the news is not particularly surprising. The question is, can anyone top Samsung in the smartphone race? Android conquers marketshare, Apple conquers profits: Who's winning? A new report from market research firm Gartner has phones running Google’s Android operating system accounting for 52.5 percent of the worldwide smartphone market in the third quarter of 2011, giving it more than three times the share of its nearest global competitor Symbian, with a 16.9 percent share.

(Apple’s iOS managed a third-place finish for the quarter, with a 15 percent share.) Overall, Gartner found that nearly 60.6 million Android phones were sold to customers during the quarter, compared to about 17.3 million iPhones. With figures like that, it’s easy to jump to a conclusion that Android is winning the smartphone wars: after all, when a product’s share or sales tips over 50 percent, it’s generally viewed as a market-dominating force. But as Charlie Sheen can attest, there’s more than one definition of “winning.” Brace yourself: the colors are jarring: What matters more: market share or actually making money? The market share argument The profit argument What the graphs don’t show. Android conquers marketshare, Apple conquers profits: Who's winning?

February 2013. Indirect recharge is a feature that allows you credit another NetOne line using your own phone. This is different from credit transfer in that it does not reduce your credit balance but rather uses a recharge pin to increase the credit balance of intended recipient To begin open your messaging application to create a new message Enter the recharge pin followed by # Type in the number of NetOne Easycall account you want to credit Send the message to 133 You will receive a confirmation from 133 The message will confirm account has been credited. Kinect na sali operacyjnej. Nie chodzi o gry wideo, ale autentyczne sale szpitalne.

W czasie operacji chirurdzy nie mogą dotykać sprzętu medycznego, bo grozi to przeniesieniem bakterii na pacjenta. Utrudnia to przeglądanie zdjęć operowanej osoby. Podczas targów Modern Hospital Show 2013 firma NEC System Technologies zaprezentowała system, który może pomóc w rozwiązaniu tego problemu. Sensor Kinect, znany z konsoli Xbox 360 Microsoftu, jest podłączony do komputera z zainstalowanym oprogramowaniem PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System).

Gromadzi ono zdjęcia rentgenowskie i z rezonansu magnetycznego. Następnie odpowiedni software pozwala na sterowanie PACS-em za pomocą gestów wykonywanych w powietrzu. Bez dotykania klawiatury czy ekranu chirurg może wybierać fotografie, robić ich zbliżenia lub odtwarzać w automatycznym pokazie slajdów. Jak zwykle w przypadku produktu przeznaczonego na rynek medyczny, cena sprzętu ma się nijak do ostatecznej wartości konstrukcji. Jest to jednak standard w tym sektorze. Smartphone. A smartphone, or smart phone, is a mobile phone with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than basic feature phones.[1][2][3] Early smartphones typically combined the features of a mobile phone with those of another popular consumer device, such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), a media player, a digital camera, or a GPS navigation unit. Modern smartphones include all of those features plus the features of a touchscreen computer, including web browsing, Wi-Fi, and 3rd-party apps.

History[edit] Early years[edit] Devices that combined telephony and computing were first conceptualized in 1973, and were offered for sale beginning in 1993. The term "smartphone" first appeared in 1997, when Ericsson described its GS 88 "Penelope" concept as a Smart Phone.[5][6][7][8][9] Forerunners[edit] The first mobile phone to incorporate PDA features was an IBM prototype developed in 1992 and demonstrated that year at the COMDEX computer industry trade show. PDAs[edit] Mass adoption[edit] Portable media player. A mobile digital media player (M-DMP), portable media player (PMP), or digital audio player (DAP), is a portable digital consumer electronics device capable of storing and playing digital media such as audio, images, and video files.[1][2] The data is typically stored on a flash memory, microdrive, or hard drive. In contrast, analog portable audio players play music from non-digital media such as cassette tapes, or records.

Often mobile digital audio players are marketed and sold as "portable MP3 players", even if they also support other file formats and media types.[3][4] Other types of electronic devices which can also act as a like mobile digital media player, but only have those media playback features as a secondary function, are cellphones, internet tablets, and sometimes even digital cameras are referred as portable media players because of their playback capabilities.[5] This article focuses on portable devices that have the main function of playing media. History[edit] IXI[edit] 38 Infographic Explores Mobile Phone Evolution – Facts & Figures (History & Statistics) | Geraldes's Blog. Mobile technology has shown tremendous growth in recent years and now rivals other outlets as one of the most powerful forms of mass media.

While mobile phones will not be the death of print, television or the Internet, it has proven to be a huge and unique new platform for delivering content. Interesting Facts About The Mobile Phones: The first mobile phone device was invented by Motorola and the device was named as DynaTAC 8000X. The first text message was sent in 1992. SMS is still king of mobile messaging with five trillion messages sent in 2009. 38 Infographic Explores Mobile Pphone Evolution – Facts & Figures (History & Statistics) 1- Infographic – Evolution of the Mobile Phone 2- Infographic – Evolution of the Mobile Phone 3- Infofraphic – A Modern History of Human Communication 4- Infographic – Whats Happened With Cell Phones This Decade 5- Infographic – Mobile History Family Tree 6- Infographic – Cell Phone Features 7- Infographic – How a Cell Phone Call Works 31- Infographic – iPhone 4.

iPad mini vs. iPod touch 5G - Images. When Apple announced the first iPad, many joked that it was a big iPod touch. Now that the iPad mini is here, some are reviving that old line. How big of a difference is there between a small tablet and a phone-less iPhone? Let's take a look, and see how the iPad mini compares to the 5th-generation iPod touch.

View all Dimensions As "mini" as the iPad mini is, it's still much larger than the iPod touch. Weight Much has been made of the iPad mini's weight (or lack thereof), but it's still over three times as heavy as the smaller iPod touch. Display The iPad mini's display is a double-edged sword. If you want a spacious screen, look at the iPad mini. Processor Both devices have the same Apple A5 chip, but it's clocked a bit higher in the iPad mini. Both devices tote 512 MB of RAM, so this is another area where performance should be roughly even. Storage The only difference here is that the iPad mini comes in a 16 GB base model. Wireless Battery Cameras Intangibles Summing up.


iPad vs iPod. The Apple iPad tablet The Apple iPod Touch music player The iPad is a new device launched by Apple, also known as Apple Tablet that is considered a hybrid of iPod touch and Apple notebook. The company describes the product as "magical and revolutionary". This device can be used for web browsing, ebook reading and runs almost 140, 000 apps. iPad models will be available in late March to April, 2010.

The targeted audience for iPad are the consumers already using iTouch and iPhone and familiar with the touch-screen technology. iPods are great Apple devices used mainly for playing and storing music, videos, photos and more and come in four different models, iPod Shuffle, Nano, Classic, and iPod Touch. Edit Size and Weight Comparison edit Differences in Storage Capacity edit Input and Output iPad has a 30-pin dock connector, headphone jack, built in speaker, microphone and SIM card tray in some models. iPod Classic has dock connector and a headphone jack. edit Display edit Battery and Power.

Comparing Features: iPad vs iPhone vs iPod touch. Dynabook. Skąd się wzięły tablety? Skąd się biorą nazwy? Open the Pod bay doors, HAL. Skąd się wzięły nazwy popularnych produktów technologicznych? - Technowinki. iPod Nano. iPad Mini, iPad, iPod Touch: Which iOS device should you buy? | iPad Atlas. Skąd się wzięły tablety? Skąd się wzięły nazwy popularnych produktów technologicznych? - Technowinki. Open the Pod bay doors, HAL. Skąd się biorą nazwy? Skąd się wzięły tablety? Skąd się biorą nazwy? Tablet (komputer) Tablety – wszystko, co powinieneś o nich wiedzieć | History of tablet computers. MessagePad.

History of the tablet. Features of a tablet computer - Talk Tablets.