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Jessica Martin

12 User-friendly Web Design Tips To Meet Your User Expectations. Users have several expectations when they visit a website, whether it is fast loading times or a design that is unique and pleasing to the eye.

12 User-friendly Web Design Tips To Meet Your User Expectations

Simplicity, easy navigation, and user friendliness are other features users look for in a website. Meeting these expectations seems simple in theory, but in practice, many designers fail to design a website that meets user expectations. With these 12 user-friendly web design tips, however, you can design a website that meets your user expectations. Target audience A website design company should consider the target audience and the information they want to easily access on a website when designing it. Speed. How To Prepare Your Business For Digital Transformation.

Organizations across industries are making a shift from manual processes to digital technology in order to increase accuracy and productivity and enhance efficiency.

How To Prepare Your Business For Digital Transformation

This process is known as digital transformation and it includes different types of services and technologies. Going paperless can be part of the process, as does cloud computing. Thus, digital transformation is not just the transformation from manual processes to digital processes but also the replacement of traditional and outdated products with the latest software. Top 10 Biggest Internet of Things (Iot) Security Issues. Technological advancements have made people and devices more connected and the Internet of Things or IoT is a concept based on the connection of multiple devices to the internet and connected devices.

Top 10 Biggest Internet of Things (Iot) Security Issues

IoT technology can be seen in several everyday devices like smart microwaves, wearable fitness devices, and self-driving cars. Despite the potential IoT holds, there are also concerns about security and privacy. These are the top ten biggest IoT security issues a software development company should look out for this year. Compliance. Top 10 Open-source Software Of 2020. Open-source software (OSS) refers to computer software of which the source code is released by the developer, allowing users to use, modify, and distribute the software for free.

Top 10 Open-source Software Of 2020

This type of software is a good example of open collaboration and these are the top 10 open-source software of 2020. LibreOffice This free office suite is the successor to and comes with a clean interface and feature-rich tools. The open-source software claims to be one of the friendliest and fastest growing projects in the free and open source software world and ensures high performance, compatibility, and usability. With its latest update, LibreOffice 7.0, several improvements have been made to the software with cutting-edge technology and software development services can join in efforts to further improve it. Linux In the top 10 open-source software in 2020 is Linux, which is described as a family of operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Brave VLC media player Shotcut Audacity KeePass FileZilla. How Important is Software Developers' Creativity For Companies. Technical skills and knowledge rarely overlap with artistry, and creativity is definitely not what comes to mind when talking about software developers.

How Important is Software Developers' Creativity For Companies

However, it would be incorrect to think that a software developer is not required to have creative or innovative skills. Due to this misconception, companies often look for technical skills and relevant qualifications when hiring software developers. While this will give the company a team of professionals equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to create software that meets all technical requirements, the company may find that their products are not aesthetically pleasing and lack any creativity or innovation.

ERP Serivice Providers in Singapore and Sri Lanka. CodeLantic - Build Your E-commerce App idea in easy way.... Top 4 Frameworks For App Development. The development of applications involves the use of various software and application; framework is one of them.

Top 4 Frameworks For App Development

Acting as a skeletal structure to an app, frameworks are a software library that provides structure and templates to support the development of the app for a specific application. Application frameworks aim at reducing the general issues that crop up during mobile application development by using code that can be shared across different modules. There are several other benefits to using application frameworks. These include increased quality due to the reusing of code and design in tested components, better code maintenance, and extended customisation to implement business requirements.

There are two main types of frameworks used in mobile app development. Flutter If you want to build beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, or desktop from a single codebase, you should consider using Flutter. React Native Ionic Xamarin. CodeLantic - Social distancing does not mean stopping... The Future of Mobile App Development - Codelantic. There are a number of apps on our mobile devices but this is just a sliver of the various apps available on an app store.

The Future of Mobile App Development - Codelantic

Software Development Company. CodeLantic delivers successful unique software solutions that are powerful and meets customer's requirements.

Software Development Company

We work according to the time and budget limits while keeping up with full-cycle software development including software maintenance and customization. Our team carefully analyses your needs and help you create a detailed requirement specification. Our development methodology takes an agile approach where the client involves in the whole development process and could add/change requirements and assess the already implemented functionality. During each project, we maintain constant communication with the stakeholders to get clarity on the requirements, review new requirements and change according to new understandings. Other key services we provide in software development and release include data migration, communication, documentation, hosting and deployment.

How Do You Develop A Digital Transformation Strategy. Technology has resulted in developments and modifications in the way businesses function, resulting in significant changes in business and market requirements.

How Do You Develop A Digital Transformation Strategy

Addressing these changes, many businesses use digital technologies to create new or modify existing business processes, business culture, and customer experience. This process is known as digital transformation. The digital transformation process requires the implementation of various strategies and businesses may use digital transformation services to develop digital transformation strategies that meet the unique requirements of the business. If you are developing a digital transformation strategy for your business, these are steps you can follow. Core competencies One of the key questions that you must ask before developing or implementing strategies is why you need one in the first place. Explore our services - Codelantic. Codelantic Feb. What are the Main Areas of Digital Transformation. CodeLantic - Social distancing does not mean stopping... Codelantic. Emerging Trends for Small Businesses in 2019. 4 Technology Tips for Entrepreneurs.