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Drpaulswan. Pyramid Puzzle. Answers are available to teachers, tutors and parents.Sign In or Create an Account A Transum subscription also gives you access to the Class Admin student management system, downloadable worksheets, many more teaching resources and opens up ad-free access to the Transum website for you and your pupils.

Pyramid Puzzle

The largest possible total is 61 One way of getting this is with 1,4,5,3,2 at the bottom. The smallest possible total is 35 One way of getting this is with 5,2,1,3,4 at the bottom. There is a printable worksheet to go with this activity. Your access to the majority of the Transum resources continues to be free but you can help support the continued growth of the website by doing your Amazon shopping using the links on this page. Click the images above to see all the details of these items and to buy them online. Here a concise URL for a version of this page without the comments. Here is the URL which will take them to a related student activity. Free Board Games - MathSphere. Drpaulswan. An alternative to differentiated math centers that’s easier, faster, AND more effective. Math centers or workstations where kids are all involved in different activities are a fundamental part of many elementary classrooms.

An alternative to differentiated math centers that’s easier, faster, AND more effective

But centers are also a tremendous amount of work for the teacher, as both differentiation and assessment can be time consuming and difficult. Are the kids really learning? Are the activities on an appropriate level for each student? How can you tell without grading fifteen different types of activities? I replaced math centers in my classroom with a 10 minute daily partner game time, and it’s one of the most powerful strategies I’ve found for getting kids to construct knowledge and think deeply about math concepts. How is a differentiated math partner game time different from math centers?

Kids can pair up and play a game with a partner in either setup. During math partner games, however, you are not responsible for small group instruction, so you’re free to facilitate students’ thinking and engage kids in conversations about what they’re learning. Yes! A game to end all times tables drills: Damult Dice. Every kid needs to learn their times tables at some point, and this means practice.

A game to end all times tables drills: Damult Dice

Unfortunately, practicing times tables can be unmotivated and boring for kids. We adults, rightly, ask, “How can we make it fun?” (Important note: times tables are not math. Math doesn’t need to be made fun; it already is fun. Memorizing your times tables is a rote activity, it requires a fair bit of repetition for most, and it may need to be made fun. Well, here’s an idea: play a game that requires multiplication. Principal Skinner: Here’s a whole box of unsealed envelopes for the PTA! Can we concoct fundamentally more interesting games that still give multiplication practice? It’s called Damult Dice. The Rules: Each player takes turns rolling 3 dice. Simple; no bells, no whistles. I spent some time playing this with kids the other day and I saw that (1) it was genuinely fun, and (2) it gives you almost all the multiplication practice you could ask for. Math Snap - Point Production and Design. Goteachthis. Goteachthis.