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Peepoople. Magazin für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Is managed innovation an oxymoron? Protokoll einer Zukunftsvision: Das System versagt - Kapitalismus. Innovation Excellence. 15inno by Stefan Lindegaard. Global solutions, local failure - Overcoming barriers in implementing open innovation. Strong internal inertia can turn open innovation projects into outright failures.

While existing OI literature has focused on the firm level and has primarily taken a strategic perspective, our project explicitly examined OI practices at the project level. Based on a detailed process model, we were able to identify stage-specific activities and operations that could, if executed correctly, prevent barriers and obstacles during the application of the method. In our own pilot projects, we found that the promoter troika could overcome the challenges and hurdles of making open innovation in a powerful way: The process promoter helps to overcome barriers #5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 by communicating the novel approach, establishing contacts, processing and preparing information, preventing administrative barriers, guaranteeing objectivity (especially during the evaluation stage of the crowdsourcing process) and inspiring further internal stakeholders to apply the crowdsourcing method.

Hack Management 2.0 | Management Innovation eXchange. How to Innovate Innovation: Takeaways from the Quick MIX Brainstorm (part 1) We recently ran an on-line brainstorming session we call “Quick MIX” focused on a topic related to the current “Innovating Innovation” M-Prize challenge. The question for the Quick MIX was: what is the one thing you’d change to make organizations more innovation-friendly? Over the course of a few days, MIXers from around the world submitted over 100 answers to this question, many of them receiving lots of praise and tweets from the MIX community.

There was so much insight packed into the Quick MIX submissions that we decided to provide a summary of the major takeaways from this exercise, grouped into broad themes (you might recognize these from the Innovating Innovation challenge brief). Below is our first installment, covering eight broad recommendations on how to make organizations more innovation-friendly. 1. Several entries suggested that innovation is often a fuzzy concept in most organizations—that is, different people have disparate views of what innovation is or ought to be. 2. Creating value with Innovation Management. Blog of Ronnestam — Innovative communication and advertising from Sweden with love.