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Right to be Forgotten

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No anonymous online tracking. A 1993 New Yorker cartoon famously proclaimed, "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

No anonymous online tracking

" The Web is a very different place today; you now leave countless footprints online. You log into websites. You share stuff on social networks. You search for information about yourself and your friends, family, and colleagues. How to Fix (0r Kill) Web Data About You. Internet 'Right to be Forgotten' debate hits Spain. MADRID — Their ranks include a plastic surgeon, a prison guard and a high school principal.

Internet 'Right to be Forgotten' debate hits Spain

All are Spanish, but have little else in common except this: They want old Internet references about them that pop up in Google searches wiped away. In a case that Google Inc. and privacy experts call a first of its kind, Spain's Data Protection Agency has ordered the search engine giant to remove links to material on about 90 people.