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I Am A Democrat « Conservative New Media. By Mark Ciavola Mark Ciavola is the State Chairman of the Nevada College Republicans, and president of the College Republican chapter at University of Nevada – Las Vegas Today, a video surfaced on YouTube from the College Democrats of America (CDA) explaining why they are Democrats. This video, titled “The Obama Generation” shows support for the Democratic Party for a wide range of reasons, from believing in hope to opposing free trade. The video was made private after dissenting comments began appearing, but a public version appears here. In order to illustrate the pure delusion among young Democrats, here is my recap. I left out those students who made purely emotional points that need no rebuttal. “I am a Democrat…” the video begins. Student #2: “… because of the Patriot Act.” Let me get this straight. First, the Patriot Act was passed in 2001 when this student was about 10 years old. Seems like an ignorantly vague statement, at best.

This one makes no sense at all. Cut wasteful spending? The Tax System Explained in Beer - Accountants Like. Frequently Asked Questions about Capitalism :: The Center for the Advancement of Capitalism. Frequently Asked Questions about Capitalism If you don't see your question here and you have a question you would like us to answer, please ask.

We'll pick from the best questions we receive and put them on our website. Question: What is capitalism? Answer: According to the philosopher Ayn Rand in her essay “What is Capitalism? Rand continues: The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated only by means of force. The mission of our organization is to promote Ayn Rand’s vision of a free and unfettered people as best as our knowledge and abilities allow. Question: Is the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism a spokesman for Ayn Rand and her philosophy of Objectivism? Answer: No. Why do we and other Objectivists say this? Question: Sometimes your positions make you sound like you are conservatives, while other times they make you sound like you are liberals.

Answer: Neither. Answer: Quite the opposite. The U.S. Economy By The Numbers: 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See. Why is the economy going to collapse? Have you ever been asked that question? If so, what did you say? Sometimes it is difficult to communicate dozens of complicated economic and financial concepts in a package that the average person on the street can easily digest. It can be very frustrating to know that something is true but not be able to explain it clearly to someone else. The following are 70 facts that Barack Obama does not want you to see.... $3.59 - When Barack Obama entered the White House, the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $1.85. 22 - It is hard to believe, but today the poverty rate for children living in the United States is a whopping 22 percent. 23 - According to U.S. 30 - Back in 2007, about 10 percent of all unemployed Americans had been out of work for 52 weeks or longer. 32 - The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.

Be Sociable, Share! Need. Know. Accomplish. 25 Frightening Photos Of Tuesday Night's Occupy Oakland Raid. Our Problem Is Civil Obedience. The Corruption of America. The numbers tell us America is in decline... if not outright collapse. I say "the numbers tell us" because I've become very sensitive to the impact this kind of statement has on people.

When I warned about the impending bankruptcy of General Motors in 2006 and 2007, readers actually blamed me for the company's problems – as if my warnings to the public were the real problem, rather than GM's $400 billion in debt. The claim was absurd. But the resentment my work engendered was real. So please... before you read this issue, which makes several arresting claims about the future of our country... understand I am only writing about the facts as I find them today.

I am only drawing conclusions based on the situation as it stands. The truth is, I am optimistic. Please pay careful attention to the data I cite. I know this is a politically charged and emotional issue. One last point, before we begin... But that's not what I've done this month. I am speaking out now because I believe someone must.