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Python Webkit DOM Bindings. The Python Webkit DOM Project makes python a full peer of javascript when it comes to accessing and manipulating the full features available to Webkit, such as HTML5.

Python Webkit DOM Bindings

Everything that can be done with javascript, such as getElementsbyTagName and appendChild, event callbacks through onclick, timeout callbacks through window.setTimeout, and even AJAX using XMLHttpRequest, can also be done from python. Why is this important - why is it a "big deal"? Browser engines are amongst the most powerful GUI engines available, with the world's top software organisations and corporations focussing a lot of effort into competing to be "the best". This competition results in some incredibly exciting developments... that are then restricted to being exclusively used from one of the world's most awkward and obtuse programming languages: javascript. So the real question is: why should this state of affairs be tolerated? What is Python-Webkit? How do I get Python-Webkit? SOAP Code Samples (Web SourceType)

Google+ accessible à tous, Google publie une API pour utiliser le service de chat vidéo Hangouts dans une application tierce. Mise à jour du 08/11/11, par Hinault Romaric Google vient d’annoncer le lancement du nouveau service pages Google+ pour son réseau social.

Google+ accessible à tous, Google publie une API pour utiliser le service de chat vidéo Hangouts dans une application tierce

Pages ouvre l’utilisation de Google+ aux entreprises et aux marques après plusieurs mois d’attentes. Celles-ci peuvent désormais communiquer autour de leurs produits (promotion, création d’une page pour les représenter, etc.) et marques en utilisant le service. Bing API in Action - C# Introduction According to Bing, "Bing is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need so you can make faster, more informed decisions".

Bing API in Action - C#

Microsoft made available its API to public so that we can use it from our own applications. This article explains how to make a sample application which uses a Bing search feature. Step 1 Even though the Bing API service is free, you need an application ID to use the service. An AppID looks like this: F2C2567D3A712A4E764C49473BF4AFF7F8722A4E. Note: Do not use this as this is a fake AppID.

Step 2 Now, you can create a Windows project. Use your AppId for YourAppId. Tip: You can add a Web Reference by right clicking the Project node in Solution Explorer -> Add Service Reference -> Advanced... button -> Add Web Reference... button. Step 3 Below is the sample code. Source code explanation using WindowsFormsApplication1.MyBingService; This is the web reference you added in Step 2.

LiveSearchService service = new LiveSearchService(); Do search! Step 4 .