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7 Reasons Why You Will Never Do Anything Amazing With Your Life — Life Learning. 1 :: Because You Have Not Failed Enough Because you are comfortable in your mediocrity; because you choose not to try.

7 Reasons Why You Will Never Do Anything Amazing With Your Life — Life Learning

Because it is easier to talk about learning that new (programming?) Language as opposed to actually learning it. Because you think everything is too hard or too complicated so you will just “sit this one out”, or maybe you’ll, “do-it-tomorrow”! Because you hate your job but won’t get a new one; because it is easy to reject rejection. Because while you’re sitting around failing to try, I am out there trying to fail, challenging myself, learning new things and failing as fast as possible. Because as I fail, I learn, and then adjust my course to make sure my path is always forward. 17 Tips to Mastering Conversation With New People. That kind of self-doubt can be paralyzing.

17 Tips to Mastering Conversation With New People

But you’re not alone. Each week I get dozens of questions like, “Nick, can you please just tell me exactly what to say? That would really help me get started.” Men’s Interests and Lifestyle. 6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person. 2017, motherfuckers.

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person

Yeah! 16 habits you should do EVERY DAY [very long] How Clothes Should Fit. How To Stay Focused: The Four Basic Requirements. Focusing is a lost skill, a casualty of the 21st century.

How To Stay Focused: The Four Basic Requirements

People bury their noses in iDistracted and Distractdroid devices, practically salivating at the notifications which confirm their importance. Instead of commanding their day, they are controlled by their uncontrolled lust to be distracted. And what purpose has distraction traditionally served? What result does it accomplish? Escapism. You may not be an alcoholic, but how much of your dissatisfaction is drowned with the web, Facebook, TV, text messaging, or video games?

Distraction Is The Plague, And Focus The Cure Focus is power. Who wants you to keep on the weight? There are certain subconscious thoughts and ideas you have that can make focusing extremely difficult, so what we need to do is pull those subconscious thoughts into the spotlight and address them. There are four basic requirements for staying focused. 15 Best Ways to Get Over a Breakup. Breakups suck.

15 Best Ways to Get Over a Breakup

They’re uncomfortable, painful, and affect us immensely — even if we’re the party walking away. Ending a connection is never an easy experience. Without a doubt the most difficult part is coping after the breakup. How do we deal with our immediate feelings of insecurity, jealousy, loneliness, and self-loathing? How do we stop ourselves from spiraling into depression? 10 Easy To Read Books That Make You Smarter ← LMLRN. There could be as many books written as opinions on which to read.

10 Easy To Read Books That Make You Smarter ← LMLRN

This list is not at all exhaustive, but serves as a starting point for the inquisitive mind. These are all modern, easy to read books that don’t fill your brain with easily forgotten facts, but a way of thinking about the universe that makes you smarter. So, without further ado: 1. Cosmos – Carl Sagan Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, tells the story of 15 billion years of cosmic history like no one else can. 2. Outliers brings a crucial point that there is logic behind why some people become successful, and it has more to do with legacy and opportunity than high IQ. The secrets of body language: why you should never cross your arms again. 7K Flares 7K Flares × Body language is older and more innate for us as humans than even language or facial expressions.

The secrets of body language: why you should never cross your arms again

That’s why people born blind can perform the same body language expressions as people who can see. They come pre-programmed with our brains. I’ve always been incredibly fascinated with body language and how it helps us achieve our goals in life better. The power of body language is probably best described by Amy Cuddy’s famous quote: “Our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us.” The How Of Happiness: 10 Ways To Be Happy ← LMLRN.

Happiness is not some magical state of mind that we’re born with, blessed with, or lucky enough to stumble upon.

The How Of Happiness: 10 Ways To Be Happy ← LMLRN

It is a way of being that each of us can attain. When it comes to advice on how to be happy, the internet is filled with opinion and pseudoscience based on experiences and feelings. Religious teachings, our grandmothers, uncles, blogs, and television shows all have an opinion too. Get Hired. I was recently asked for interview advice. 1. These are guidelines and examples. Don't repeat them verbatim. 21 Ways You Should Take Advantage Of Your 20s. 1.

21 Ways You Should Take Advantage Of Your 20s

Don’t feel the need to respond to every text message, phone call, and email the second it reaches you. Once upon a time, it took longer than a minute to reach someone. People used stamps and envelopes; they had answering machines they didn’t check for hours, sometimes days. John Cleese Explaining Stupidity. Tawas Untuk Ketiak Putih =) Salam, Tawas Untuk Ketiak Putih =) Huhu...ramai yang tanya dan drop komen pasal tawas yang i guna tu kan ?

Tawas Untuk Ketiak Putih =)

Okay..meh saya jawab.. Tawas ni beli kat mana ? Tawas ni beli kat kedai jamu pun ada.. beli tawas kristal bentuk batu garam tu...kalau takde kat kedai jamu, boleh cari kat watson / guardian.