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Getting Started with Your Facebook App on Heroku. Facebook Table of Contents A Facebook app typically uses an SDK to interact with the Facebook API, using Facebook’s Graph API and FQL to retrieve and post information to Facebook. A Facebook application can easily be developed and deployed to Heroku (in any of Heroku’s supported languages) which has code that interacts with Facebook’s APIs in this manner. This guide is for Facebook developers who develop and deploy their applications on Heroku. It assumes no previous knowledge of Heroku, and will walk through every part of the process: creating an app and a Heroku account, setting up local development tools, and deploying changes to your Facebook app. Prerequisites Basic Facebook app creation knowledgeBasic Git knowledgeA Heroku user account.

Local workstation setup Install the Heroku Toolbelt on your local workstation. Once installed, you use the heroku command from your command shell. Heroku login Enter your Heroku credentials. Workflow Creating the Facebook app Creating the Heroku app. Dart: Structured web apps | Code. Code Year. Instructions « Switch On Switch Off. Running a Switch On Switch Off workshop is a great experience for the participants – and the hosts alike! Here is the complete recipe – don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more informations or want to work with us on your next workshop. Step One: Build your team If you have some experience in teaching and hosting a workshop, hosting your own Switch On Switch Off can be a really great experience! You will roughly need 3 facilitators for a dozen of simultaneous participants.

Your facilitators should: be familiar with interaction, digital art, dance, design, or any other similar crafts :-)understand the basic of electronic circuitsbe used to solder, use hot glue guns, etcbe super-friendly and creativity oriented In addition to the facilitators, we suggest that you enroll 1 or 2 persons for documenting the workshop, taking the contacts of participants, and sending them photos of their creation on the spot.

Step Two: Plan your workshop We started doing the workshop in festivals. Tools. Programming Is the New Literacy. Power will soon belong to those who can master a variety of expressive human-machine interactions. Credit: Laura Morris Designs Already, various thinkers about the future have proposed a number of candidates for the designation "twenty-first-century literacy. " That is, what are the key skills humans must possess in order to be considered literate? Some writers assume that the definition of literacy will continue to be what it always has been: "The ability to carefully read and write a contemporary spoken language. " Others specify that the term will apply only to fluency in one or more of the languages spoken by the largest numbers of people, those certain to be important over the next nine decades of the century; candidates include Spanish, English, or Mandarin Chinese.

Seem strange? I'm sure it does. So, in a sense, we are going to see as we progress through the twenty-first century a real revenge of the nerds, except that the new nerds will be our programmatically literate children. Culture du code, entre illettrisme et liberté. À l’occasion du second Coding Goûter, je publie une courte série d’article. Retrouvez-les sur Vous êtes réveillé par votre téléphone, vous lancez la machine à laver. Tiens, un métro automatique sur la ligne 1. À midi vous payez avec votre carte de crédit. Les technologies qui nous entourent sont animées par le code. Le danger d’un illettrisme de fait Si je suis illettré dans notre société, si je ne sais pas lire, je me retrouve impuissant et exclu. Existe-t-il un illettrisme du code ? Illettrisme ou pas, aujourd’hui, une minorité de personnes maîtrise la lecture et l’écriture du code informatique – tout comme une minorité savait lire au début du 19ème siècle, et une plus petite minorité encore maîtrisait la culture dominante de l’écrit, les contrats, les textes de lois… ah, tiens, encore des codes.

Du contrôle invisible à la créativité libératrice Pour ceux qui doutent encore, souvenez-vous que les fondateurs de Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google, sont tous des codeurs. Coding goûter.