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Jean Nelson Laurent

Co-fondateur avec Isabelle Laurent de YOUFACTORY: un lieu ouvert dinnovation qui s'envisage comme une usine partagée dans laquelle des équipements de qualité industrielle seront mis à disposition dun public de créateurs, dartisans et de PME.

Nous donnons les moyens d'entreprendre à ceux qui n'ont pas les moyens - Firefox for e-Buro.


Paris Flatshare Flatmate . Find a flat share flat or house share accommodation to rent. Flat or House share Flat or House rental All Offered Wanted Never, ever send money to a person you haven't met or for a property you haven't seen with your eyes.

Paris Flatshare Flatmate . Find a flat share flat or house share accommodation to rent.

If you are trying to arrange accommodation abroad, do not part with any money atall before you have seen a property. Do not accept documents sent by e-mail as proof of ownership.


Tricks and tips. Prospective. Techy. Santé naturelle. YOUFACTORY. Innovation. Productivity. Music.