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Faire une présentation efficace

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No excuse for boring an audience: Advice on giving technical presentations. Long before "death-by-powerpoint" or vertigo-by-prezi, there were bad presentations. Really bad presentations. So don't blame the software. The genesis of painfully dull or muddled presentations predates the computer. No one knows this better than scientists, researchers, and academics, who have long been required to attend numerous conferences each year, conferences which typically feature a keynote speaker and scores of shorter presentations by others in their field. Over the years I've heard from many people with technical backgrounds about what is a good presentation and what is not. I've heard from many of you — doctors, researchers, scientists, programmers, etc. — and your comments have been very helpful.

I've read several presentation books over the years specifically designed for scientists and others who need to give more technical presentations. The book Designing Science Presentations on the list above was published this year. On dull conference speakers: On using slides: Let there be an end to incredibly boring speakers - Powered by Google Docs. You Suck At PowerPoint! by @jessedee. Everything is a Remix.