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Heat maps with Python and Inkscape | oCoCarbon. Mel Starrs tweeted a week or so ago about using GIS software to do mapping and energy analysis. I wanted to do the something similar but for sub-metered zones in a multi-tenanted office building. Rather than go down the route of learning a new package, I remembered a chapter on creating choropleth maps in Nathan Yau’s fantastic Visualize This. This post walks you through the process of creating the image above and the code draws heavily on the code in the book. Organising the data – Excel The first step is to gather your energy data.

The Python script below requires this to be in a CSV file, organised into two columns. The first column holds the names of all your zones and the second column contains the energy data you want to visualise. Creating the base image – Inkscape I used Inkscape (free SVG editing software) to create the outlines of the zones in the building, but you could use Illustrator or any other vector graphics editor that produces SVG files. Python code The result. Inkscape Tutorials - Search for Inkscape Tutorials on Pixel2Life. Sélection des objets par type sous Inkscape.

J’ai longtemps cherché une fonction du type « sélection par couleur » ou « par type » dans Inkscape similaire à ce qu’on peut trouver dans Illustrator. C’est très pratique quand on repasse derrière quelqu’un qui n’utilise pas les calques… Cette fonction n’est apparement pas présente dans l’interface d’Inkscape…. mais en fait si, et beaucoup plus puissante ! Inkscape se base sur le format SVG, c’est dire que chaque objet est documenté sous forme texte en XML.

Pour voir à quoi correspond la description d’un objet en SVG il suffit de le sélectionner puis d’ouvrir l’éditeur XML : Menu Edition > Editeur XML… Ici, vous comprenez que le style de l’objet est décomposé un peu à la manière du CSS pour les pages web. Maintenant si on veut sélectionner tous les objets de la même couleur dans les calques affichés, on ouvre Menu Edition > Rechercher… Et l’on met la couleur de remplissage comme critère :) Episode 10 - Sketch to Vector. Chris Hildenbrand's Blog - 2D Game Art For Programmers - Part 1 [updated] The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Introduction: Creating your own art work is a necessity for most independent developers. Due to the budget restraints or in a lot of cases the complete lack of a budget a lot of young indie game developer can't afford to hire an artist or buy art assets.

With the help of free software like gimp, inkscape, truespace, daz studio and vue pioneer (just to mention a few) combined with a basic understanding of art creation pretty much anyone can create impressive and professional looking results. I will try to start with some basic ideas and exercises to improve this kind of understanding. Let me start by clarifying some common believes when it comes to creating game at.

"I need expensive software tools to create truly professional game art. " "My game is good as it is. Common hurdles. Designing and Using Brushes in Inkscape. With version 0.46, Inkscape released a new feature called “pattern along path”, which amounts to what you would call brushes in Adobe Illustrator. Although there are a few big differences in using brushes in Inkscape, it’s relatively easy to get the hang. I’ll walk you though how make and use brushes for your drawings. Create a new drawing Open up Inkscape (you’ll need to be using version .46 or higher).

It’s a good idea to edit the document size (CTRL + SHIFT + D) to what ever you’d like the final design to be used for. Draw a Brush Using the bezier tool (Shift + F6), draw a triangle off to the left (or right) side of the document. You’ll likely want to make you own brushes for your own design, but for those of you that don’t have the time, I’ve made a set of free vector brushes for Inkscape (you can use these plain SVG brushes for Illustrator as well) so you can download and import them into you design.

Apply the brush to a path The process I generally use is as follows: