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SA02 Data Manipulation

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Convert ASCII to EBCDIC character codes. This article contains a discussion of ASCII to EBCDIC conversion issues, translation tables, and code to translate from ASCII to EBCDIC and vice- versa. A text file of data from a mainframe computer may be encoded in the EBCDIC character system. This is not directly usable by VBA, which uses the ASCII character encoding system when reading and writing text files. This article provides a function to translate between two character encoding schemes and some helper functions to build the translation table. Notes Regarding Character Sets VBA supports UNICODE, which is a superset of ASCII. Collapse this tableExpand this table The function source is as follows.

Usage: sEBCDIC = Input(#1, 50) ' input 50 characters sASCII = Translate(sEBCDIC, ASCII_To_EBCDIC_Table()) or, if calling the translation routine repeatedly, you can cache the translation table in a String variable: xlat = ASCII_To_EBCDIC_Table() sASCII = Translate(sEBCDIC, xlat) Best Free OCR Software. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software is used for creating a real text version of an image that contains text. An OCR program is very useful when you have a PDF or other text list in the form of an image, that cannot be used in a text editor as it's a jpeg or something similar. There are two ways to create a PDF: as a standard type in a (proprietary) text format, or as an image format PDF. If the PDF was created as the image type, text cannot be extracted and reused except with an OCR program.

With the advent of excellent digital cameras, photographed images can be used quite readily. In the past, a choice of free OCR programs did not exist, and a commercial option was normally used. However, there are now five or more freeware choices. Note that very few OCR programs of any type can handle screenshots, as the quality is surprisingly poor. Free OCR programs are based on Tesseract, now owned by Google. Go straight to the Quick Selection Guide Other free OCR programs to be reviewed: Free online OCR. i2OCR - Free Online OCR. Generate Sample Data. I’ve long been a fan of Jimmy Pena’s Random Sample Data Generator Add-in and I use it quite a bit. I wanted to write my own, however, and introduce a little more flexibility. In particular, I was creating some sample inventory data and I needed to create inventory part numbers. My part numbers are of the form AIM-0000 or PP-0000.

Easy enough to do with a RANDBETWEEN and some concatenation, but I wanted to build it in to the generator. So I did. I’ve attempted to break down the samples into types. Number. Here’s the main screen. You select any number of samples and put them in the output box. You can also edit existing samples. The compound type is the most interesting. You can also add or edit existing samples from within the Add/Edit Compound dialog. All of the samples can be put into categories. I’ve already noted some bugs as I was writing this post, and I’m sure there are a few more. You can download


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