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How to Turn a Research Project into Infographics. Conveying information in a striking, concise way has never been more important, and infographics are the perfect pedagogical tool with which to do so. Below, you’ll find my experience with designing an infographic-friendly classroom research project, explained in a step-by-step process you can implement in your own classroom. Familiarize Students With the Infographic Concept Photo credit: After hearing all the buzz about infographics in education, I thought I’d experiment with the concept in my seventh-grade accelerated English class. I wanted to ease my students into the idea, so we first spent time researching infographics — what they are, how they work, and what kind of information is best conveyed by the medium.

For this process, I recommend NeoMam Studio’s “13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics,” which describes their efficacy in a visually compelling way that captivated my students. Select an Infographic-Friendly Topic Photo credit: SomethingSoSam Share and Critique. 5 Of The Most Common Problems With School Websites. 5 Of The Most Common Problems With Schools Websites by Matt Harrell, Your school’s official website is undoubtedly the most valuable piece of online real estate it possesses. As educators, we know this. Why, then, are so many school websites so bad these days? Part of the problem is that creating and maintaining an effective school website is a big project that is important but not urgent—so it tends to fall through the cracks.

Ownership of the project, too, can be an issue. While we can’t help you out with these specific stumbling blocks, we can give you a shortlist of some of the top mistakes we at MemberHub see schools making over and over, so that you’re not doomed to repeat them. 5 Of The Most Common Problems With School Websites Mistake #1: Poorly Optimized for Mobile It’s not just kids who are constantly plugged in and on the go these days. Not sure if your school website is fully responsive? Mistake #2: Riddled With Mistakes Mistake #3: Too Much Focus on Us, Us, Us. Diversify Your YA Contemporary Reads: A Flowchart | The Hub.

Why Sharing Your Good Work Is Necessary, Not Boastful. Just last week, I have having a conversation with two educators at a family picnic. They were a thoughtful pair, and they had a wonderful grasp of teaching and learning. About halfway through the conversation, I asked them the following question: "Have you ever considered your sharing your good work on Twitter or social media? " I thought the question was relatively innocuous as both of them had checked Facebook or Instagram throughout our chat. Their words caused me to stop and refelct. Enter the 2014 Gallup Poll. The Gallup Poll is an annual tool that seeks to understand the general opinions and feelings of the public in the United States with regards to education. 48% of respondents incorrectly believe that charter schools are not public schools.50% of Americans give local schools grades of A or B, even though they believe that the national system is performing much worse.Only 24% of public school parents have heard "a great deal" about the Common Core Standards.

Infographics for children: what they can learn from data visualisations | News. When my daughter was three and out for a walk on an autumn day, she pointed at a spider’s web and explained what it was. “Daddy, it’s a website,” she said. It was a visual way to describe a word she had heard but didn’t yet understand. And information graphics and visualisations give us a method to do the reverse: use images to describe a story in a way that we can understand. If children want to comprehend the world around them, infographics can do that.

There is a data revolution taking place across the globe right now. This week sees the publication of a book that I have worked on with the father of infographic design Peter Grundy — Infographics: Human body. So, why produce a book of infographics for children? “A good picture is equivalent to a good deed” said Van Gogh and as long as we have been able to draw a line chart, designers have known that a picture can bring data to life. The data is a crucial part of the work he does — this is not decoration but storytelling. More open data. See details about the new Granite School District website going live tomorrow (it's a big change) #gr… 5 Strategies For Engaging Students With Video. 5 Strategies For Engaging Students With Video by James Cross Online video is taking the world by storm, and today’s students are the biggest consumers of online video content — they’re the ‘Netflix Generation’.

These students have grown up in a world where video is available instantly, on-demand, and on any device. Combined with the rise of flipped and blended learning methodologies, it’s natural that today’s educators are seeking innovative ways to take advantage of video. But video is complex – and in the past, it’s been difficult for educators to make use of it for learning.

The good news is that it’s easier than ever to take advantage of online video; with cloud video delivery becoming increasingly intuitive and affordable, cutting–edge video technologies are now firmly within the grasp of universities and instructors. 1. 2. 3. 4. Thinking about length is important, too. There’s some interesting data on how video length affects engagement. 5. 5 Strategies For Engaging Students With Video. Keeping a journal at the end of every day could increase your productivity, says one study. RIP @springpad | "Springpad Says Goodbye" 100 Useful Websites You’ve Probably Never Heard of. The Internet is full of great websites, but it’s often tough to separate the duds from the superheroes. We’ve got you covered, with our list of 100 Useful Websites You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. 1. FollowUpThen. Have you ever lost a potential client because you forgot to follow up?

Don’t make the same mistake twice by sending an email to FollowUpThen, which reminds you when you need to. 2. PolishMyWriting. Spellcheck is great, but we still make typos in key documents we’re sending our bosses. 3. Trying to get all of your friends together for dinner? 4. Avoid clicking on potentially dangerous links with SafeWeb. 5.

Have you ever tried to go to a website you saved months ago, only to learn it’s no longer available? 5. If you want to make a little extra money, try making an account on Fiverr. 6. We hope you never find yourself in legal trouble. 7. Are you a big gamer and stuck on a level? 8. Like pretty photos but don’t want to shell out for Photoshop? 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Email your notes into OneNote with me. Today we announced three major OneNote developments, including One of our goals is to make it easy to get content into OneNote, no matter where you are or what app you’re using. is a big step towards that goal. Now, you can use any ‘Email this’ button to send content to OneNote.

Email to OneNote is a great way to forward receipts, travel itineraries or documents that you want to keep track of from your mailbox. If you’re on the run and want to send yourself a quick to do, it’s hard to get faster than writing up a quick mail. Or, if you’re in an app, and want to remember what you’re seeing, you can do so quickly by sharing via email. Try it out now To get set up just visit the email settings page and select the addresses from which you would like OneNote to accept emailed content.

Now you’re ready to email content to OneNote quickly and easily! Get OneNote | Follow OneNote Top.