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Je suis Albert, votre nouveau professeur. Bienvenue au programme de maîtrise Vous pourrez me joindre en tout temps sous mon nom complet, Albert Ramdagoli. Ne cherchez pas mes ancêtres, car je suis un concept, celui du professeur idéal, concept en évolution permanente. Vous me voyez actuellement comme robot dans cette classe, mais mes caractéristiques de professeur sont celles de ma programmation et non de mes extensions techniques. Autrement dit, vous pourrez me retrouver sous n’importe quelle forme, même via votre robot de cuisine si besoin est. Le tarif de votre cours inclut l’accès à mes capacités et non l’usage d’une technologie physique particulière. Paramétrage Actuellement, je suis culturellement paramétré selon les caractéristiques du groupe dont vous faites partie. Au niveau pédagogique je suis en mesure d’adopter à peu près tous les styles.

Supervision Au cours de nos prochains échanges, j’aurais accès à vos données éducatives et j’apprendrai à vous connaître. Votre superviseur humain est M. Commencer votre cours. CMU Robot Census. CMU Robot Census Launched by the new CMU first-year robotics grad students and Robot Census Committee (RCC) August 29, 2010. We’ve passed 500 robots!! Oh my goodness! Twitter updates: @robotcensus. The original press release on the Robotics Institute website, came with the following description: “Data gathering for the U.S. 2010 Census may be finished, but it has just begun for the Robot Census 2010. The idea occurred to Knight and her fellow first-years after listening to faculty presentations during this term’s grad student immigration course.

Knight and her designer friend Chris Becker created a Interactive PDF Form, seeking information regarding the status, year of creation and location of each robot, and distributed it within the Robotics Institute via email. Chaîne de MarilynMonrobotTube. Projects. The Personal Robots Group focuses on developing the principles, techniques, and technologies for personal robots.

Cynthia and her students have developed numerous robotic creatures ranging from robotic flower gardens, to embedding robotic technologies into familiar everyday artifacts (e.g., clothing, lamps, desktop computers), to creating highly expressive humanoids --- including the well-known social robot, Leonardo. Ongoing research includes the development of socially intelligent robot partners that interact with humans in human-centric terms, work with humans as peers, and learn from people as an apprentice. Other projects have explored how HRI can be applied to enhance human behavior as applied to motor learning and cognitive performance. More recent work investigates the impact of long-term HRI applied to communication, quality of life, health, and educational goals. For a list of current projects, click here. Lirec | Lirec * Buy. Interactif | Aldebaran Robotics. Gostai. Teleportation made real Have you ever dreamt to be able to teleport yourself anywhere with a snap of your fingers?

This is exactly what you can do now with Jazz. The principle is simple: Jazz stands in a remote location and will serve as your personal avatar. It can move and perceive its surrounding with its embedded camera, speaker and microphone. Far away, in your office, you start your favorite web browser and connect to Jazz through a simple web interface. You can see what it sees, and move it around to interact with the people there. This is called telepresence, as you can easily and remotely take part in a meeting, visit a place and see what is happening in your office or factory in a natural and interactive way. User-friendly Jazz can be used by anyone, given an access to the Internet on a computer or smartphone. No complicated installation is needed, Jazz can connect itself to the Internet via a wifi connection, and all you need on your side is a standard web browser.


IROBI, un robot inclassable? - Robots pour tous. iRobiQ. Boutique de robots éducatifs, humanoïdes et ludiques. Boutique robotique éducative, robots aspirateurs et gadgets High Tech. Plastic Pals - Robots who are fun to be with!