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What to Ask About SCORM in an RFP. Issuing an RFP for a new learning management system? Sorry to say this, but if you’re planning to include a requirement for SCORM in that RFP, you need more than just a checkbox asking “Are you SCORM conformant?” If you need SCORM in your LMS, you need to ask a lot more questions (we’ve got at least 27!) To ensure the learning management system you get delivers what you expect.

We see a lot of SCORM implementations here – the good, the bad and the down-right ugly – and know that some of the problems encountered could be avoided by asking the right questions when you purchase your LMS. Our philosophy revolves around ensuring true interoperability, which means going beyond the letter of the SCORM specification to create a system that can handle whatever is thrown at it. We’ve come up with at least 27 questions you should ask your LMS vendor (download the complete set with full discussion below).

Question one: What versions of SCORM do you support? (At Least) 27 Questions You Should Ask. -Plates-formes de e-learning et e-formation - 2010 : Cours : Répertoire : Thot Cursus. ComparaisonVle. Tableau des Plates-formes sous licence libre. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cet article dresse un tableau des plates-formes sous licence libre compatible LMS. Les normes LMS[modifier | modifier le code] Les caractéristiques des plateformes LMS sont leurs compatibilités SCORM, QTI, IMS, AICC. Chaque plateforme apporte un certain nombre de services/fonctionnalités appelé modules (RSS, chat, wiki, blog...). AICC[1] : norme de formation en ligne (e-learning en anglais) déviée des normes de l'aviation civile américaine (AICC).

IMS[2] (Instructional Management Systems) est une spécification du groupe IMS Global Learning Consortium. CP 1.2 : Content Package utilisé pour l'import/export du contenu ;QTI 1.2 : Question & Test Interoperability ;LTI : Learning Tools Interoperability pour la communication entre les outils e-learning tools ;LOM 1.0 : Learning Object Metadata ou Learning Resource Meta-data Specification ;SCORM 1.2 & 2004 : Sharable Content Object Reference Model. Les frameworks LMS[modifier | modifier le code] 13 logiciels de e-learning open source. Voici un panorama des logiciels libres et open source de e-learning. Mais avant de découvrir cette liste, un rappel des fonctionnalités attendues de ces systèmes d’apprentissage en ligne également appelés LMS (Learning Management System). Qu’est-ce que le e-learning ? Ces solutions s’adressent à des apprenants (les élèves) en leur mettant à disposition une pllate-forme d’apprentissage, des tuteurs ou animateurs, des contenus textuels ou multimédia didactiques, une stratégie pédagogique et tutorale et des activités de validation de connaissance (source Wikipédia).

Je vais m’intéresser dans cet article à la plate-forme d’apprentissage. Elle répond aux besoins suivants : Cette plate-forme doit également supporter le format SCORM qui est une spécification permettant de créer des objets pédagogiques structurés. Comme vous le constaterez ce n’est pas le choix qui manque, voir il y a trop de choix, la force et la faiblesse de l’open source. Panorama des logiciels libres et open source d’e-learning. 10 Alternatives to Moodle. Since the economic downturn began I’ve noticed much more interest in open source Learning Management Systems (LMS), and it’s no surprise that when people ask what the options are, the answer is usually Moodle. Now, there’s nothing wrong with Moodle, but it certainly isn’t the only open source LMS out there. Because there is no licensing cost involved with open source solutions, its easy for organisations to just jump in and set up the first solution that comes along.

There is however a cost to installation and support, either financial or time related. Anyone setting up an LMS has a responsibility to research and choose the solution that is right for the learners and the organisation. As a starting point here are 10 open source alternatives to Moodle. Docebo In use in corporate and higher education settings. eFront The base install is quite minimalist, but this is easily extended with modules available from the site.

OLAT A well featured system in its tenth year of development. 10 Things to Consider Before Choosing an LMS. So you know you want an LMS. Good. This article isn’t here to tell you why you need one, or why you should use one, this is a guide for anyone who already knows they want an LMS, just wants a guide for what to check for. Over the years I have spent many hours testing content and trying various different Learning Management Systems, and have even done some LMS (like) design work with Articulate Online. Over that time period I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about what does work well, and what doesn’t work well in a lot of systems, so based on my knowledge on the subject, here is my list 10 things to consider before choosing in an LMS. 1. There are 3 LMS standards of significance these days, AICC, SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. A little history on the standards… The AICC standard was developed by the aviation industry in 1993 and has evolved a bit over the years, but remains pretty similar to its roots.

SCORM 2004 was released in 2004 (shocker huh?) 2. 3. Use Scripted Demos 4. 5. 6. 8. 9.