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Second Wind. Sign Language: A Short Indie Film to Make You Smile | Gimundo | Skhizein (Jérémy Clapin,2008) Hirsute. This past month we tried something new and decided that instead of busting our asses looking for the latest and greatest on the web we’d see what you were up to. We asked you send us your own films which you’d placed online, and we’d post the best one. Well time’s up and the favorite is…drum roll please.

The winner of the inaugural, reader-submitted, Short of the Week: Gut Check competition is…wait, you can already see the title and picture? Oh. You saw the blurb too then? Hmm. Damn that’s anti-climactic. A.J. plays a young scientist working on uncovering the secrets of time travel. That is a spoiler, but it comes soon enough into the film to justify sharing it. Earlier I proclaimed that Hirsute displays excellence in all aspects of short filmmaking. Yet this is Bond’s film, and in it he displays an embarrassment of talent, handling the writing, acting and directing duties. All in all, Hirsute is a tremendous directing debut for A.J.

'The Mysterious Lady' Pixies Piano Mashup | Gimundo | Good News.