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External Monitoring

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Monitoring RabbitMQ with Zabbix | unix, web and security. Don’t you just hate it when you keep delaying to add something to your monitoring system until you eventually forget? To then be reminded when the shit hits the fan? It happened to me this week. Nothing critical. Our log archiving system relies on logstash to insert messages into Elastic Search (going to be changed once Graylog 0.9.6 goes stable). At some point though, Rabbit’s data drive became full and we were paged.

I decided to write a few lines of Ruby to take care of that, as there’s no official plugin that takes care of RabbitMQ or AMQP for that matter. I then rediscovered a feature of the RabbitMQ Management plugin I had looked over: the API. I use 2 scripts to poll RabbitMQ from Zabbix to monitor it’s health: rmq-alive and rmq-msg-count. Before setting up Zabbix, you need to create a vhost in RabbitMQ that will be used for monitoring (you could always use a pre-existing one).

To use these scripts, edit your agent’s configuration file to add a new UserParameter. That’s it! Website monitoring by WatchMouse. CA Nimsoft Monitor is an IT monitoring platform that provides scalable, easy-to-use and resilient monitoring capabilities. CA Nimsoft Monitor can help enable your organization to proactively monitor on-premise and cloud-based infrastructures—all within a single code base. CA Nimsoft Monitor offers the speed and ease-of-use associated with point solutions, featuring a streamlined architecture with a lightweight footprint. At the same time, this solution delivers enterprise scalability and multi-tenancy. CA Nimsoft Monitor is built on a unified architecture that enables organizations to monitor servers, networks, applications, databases, storage, private and public clouds as well as end user response time. CA Nimsoft Equips Skygone with service level reporting CA Nimsoft Monitor in 1 Minute.

Free Web Server Health and Uptime Monitoring. Here's what our monitoring tools can do for IT Consultants, ISPs, ISVs, Web Developers and Web Designers Imagine how much you could grow your business if you weren't chained to your desk. Monitor.Us makes this possible. Because Monitor.Us is Cloud-based it not only lets you keep an eagle eye on everything, from anywhere; it also takes complex set-ups, installs, updates, reinstalls and server monitoring... and drops them from a very large height. So you can spend your time growing your business rather than simply managing it. After all, there is no faster or easier way to improve your revenue and expand your client list. And, here's what our monitoring tools can do for Sys Admins, DevOps, and IT Managers Monitor.Us system and all-in-one dashboard gives you such unrivalled insight that you can get a sense that something's wrong before it even happens.

Pricing. Pricing for Circonus SaaS With the Circonus SaaS Monitoring solution, your total cost of ownership will be greatly reduced – no hardware costs, no storage costs, no implementation costs, no upgrade or maintenance costs. And no long-term commitments. Just a highly-scalable, high-utility, easy- to-use system that gives you unprecedented visibility into the health of your systems and your business. Below is our per host3 pricing model, and we can also arrange a pricing plan on a per metric4 basis.

Copper hosts per package2 +/host/month$25UsersUnlimited Bronze hosts per package5 +/host/month$23UsersUnlimited Silver hosts per package10 +/host/month$21UsersUnlimited Gold hosts per package20 + /host/month$18UsersUnlimited Platinum hosts per package50 + /host/month$15UsersUnlimited More than 50 hosts, or want to talk about a custom plan? Included In All Packages: Notes and references Professional Services The following optional Professional Services are available: Support Levels. Panopta | Never Blinks.