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相機: 360度相機. 影像可以360度旋轉的相機?! 全景攝影,360度VR,360VR,虛擬實境,360度環景,-朱紹維(紹凱)全景攝影網. Flash Slideshow Maker for Mac and Windows. LOMO發表全景攝影 Spinner 360° LOMO發表全景攝影 Spinner 360° 喜歡這篇文章嗎? Panoramic Imaging - Object Imaging Turntables. Elphel, Inc. From ElphelWiki Status Discontinued Images About Elphel Eyesis is an open hardware / free software panoramic camera solution that is able to capture high-resolution - 38 MPix total (45 MPix before stitching) - 360° panoramas at a rate up to 5 frames per second at full resolution. Usage Scenarios The camera head was designed to be small and lightweight with a minimal distance between the entrance pupils (29.5 mm) to achieve lowest possible parallax. The primary usage scenario is to mount Eyesis on the roof of a vehicle. Though the total weight is just around 10 kg (22 lbs.) which also allows back-pack like operation.

Operation & Monitoring Eyesis is controlled from a laptop, via a web-based interface (Eyesis GUI). Eyesis is supplied with 110V/220V AC and can be used with car power adapter (inverter), when mounted on a car roof. Calibration The sensor-front-ends - which were especially developed for Eyesis - allow the focus plane to be shifted and rotated with very high accuracy. Tech specs Wiki: Development Blog » Panoramas From the Backpack. Panoramas From the Backpack by Olga Filippova Eyesis Backpack with Netbook for initial set-up Tacking high-resolution panoramic images in the remote places, that can only be accessed by feet is an option now available with the Elphel-Eyesis 360 degree panorama camera.

The camera’s size (1.3 x 0.3 meters) and relatively light weight (10kgs) allow to mount it on a backpack frame and carry by a person. There were multiple requests for the backpack option by our customers since the development of Elphel-Eyesis camera, but other projects were of higher priority, until this spring, when we finally decided it was time to take Eyesis hiking. On April 19th, 2011, we took the Elphel mobile office to camp for 5 days in Southern Utah near the Goblin Valley State Park to try out Eyesis in beautiful places not yet available in continuous panoramic imagery, mainly because of their inaccessibility for car, ATV, or even a tricycle. Hiking Among the Goblins (Or is it Mars?) The Little Wild Horse Canyon. 360º Panorama Camera.

For the all round view A popular pastime amongst holiday photographers these days is the construction of the panoramic view. Conventionally this is achieved by taking one picture of the view, turning a little bit, taking another, until the complete view has been covered. It is, at best, an optimistic and inaccurate procedure which often yields patchy results. The Panorama Camera puts panoramic photography on an altogether more dependable footing. Seven outwardly pointing cameras are perfectly angled to ensure that all pictures will fit together neatly.

For maximum enjoyment of your panarama, tape the seven pictures togther with the images facing inwards and place your head in the center of the loop. Credited to 101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindogu. Lomography Spinner 360° Spinner 360° - 寬景相機 - 相機 - Lomography Shop. Home (Taiwan) - Lomography Shop. SK R&D Co., Ltd. 松克研發有限公司. 定價: NT$2,950 現貨特價中 NT$2,395 (請電065810952洽購) 注意:這項產品已含軟體並且只能裝在iPhone 4/4S上. 用移動鼠標或用鍵盤來改變你在360 °的動作。 用免費的GoPano應用程序,輕掃整個視圖平移或旋轉在你的iPhone。 這是一個獨特的視頻體驗,幾乎如同身歷其境那. Untitled. Engadget 中国版. One-Shot Virtual Tours, 360 degree panoramas! Amazing Virtual Tour lens and software. EyeSee360. GoPano micro環景鏡頭、微距鏡頭手環,手機變特殊相機. 如果說Lomography Spinner 360°滿足了你拍攝環景照片的需求,那有沒有另一種選擇,是可以錄製動態影片,且又能環保一點的方式呢?

GoPano micro環景鏡頭、微距鏡頭手環,手機變特殊相機

GoPano micro 來替你完成這個夢想。 倘若你的手機不是 iPhone 4/4S,小編建議,趕緊移動你手上的滑鼠,跳到第二頁看看另一款微距鏡頭手環,省得被以下的「iPhone限定」給氣得牙癢癢! GoPano micro是專為iPhone 4/4S錄製動態影片所打造的「環景鏡頭」。 構造相當簡單,收到實體時,你會看見一個手機外殼,和一顆鏡頭。 只需要先將iPhone穿上這外殼後,再將鏡頭套用上去就能開始你的360°人生了。 Photosynth 讓 iPhone 輕鬆拍出 720度全景照片 - 第 1 頁. 微軟在 2008 年底推出的 Photosynth 3D 全景照片分享服務,近年因應行動裝置的發展,也開始進軍智慧型手機系統;近期率先推出 iOS 專用 App,在 iPhone 上就能輕鬆拍攝 720 度全景照片,並透過網路上傳 網站或是 facebook 做分享。

Photosynth 讓 iPhone 輕鬆拍出 720度全景照片 - 第 1 頁

軟體名稱:Photosynth開發者: Microsoft Corporation價格:免費適用平台:iOS 4.0 以上支援其他平台:無(未來將會推出 WP7 版本)檔案大小:4.4 MBGoGo評價:★★★★☆版本:1.0發表日期:2011/4/18連結網址: ▲拍攝全景照片時要盡量讓身體的軸心固定,程式自動接圖時會更為完美。 拍照時如果畫面接合處很容易辨識,取景窗會出現綠色方框自動拍攝;出現黃色方框表示接合處有點不明確,使用者可手動拍攝;紅色則代表無法辨識,建議重新取景。 ▲點一下螢幕就可以開始拍攝全景照片;第一張照片拍攝成功後,使用者只要將鏡頭移動到照片接合處,出現綠色方框,程式會自動按下快門。 接下來只要依照上述步驟移動相機鏡頭取景,拍攝結果不滿意可按左下角的「undo」還原;完成後按下右下角的「finish」開始後製。 ▲照片接合要花費一些時間,等待時使可點選「edit properties」編輯照片資訊;也可以等接合完成後再另外編輯。

▲假如拍攝的不是 720 度全景,接合完畢後預覽圖邊緣會出現不規則形狀,可點選「set thumbnail」編輯縮圖。 ▲輸入照片名稱、設定預覽縮圖後,環景照片就大功告成了。 (後面還有:將照片上傳到 做分享) Video To Panorama:把 iPhone 影片檔轉換成全景照. App Store 有許多製作全景照的好用 APP,但大多是拍攝數張相片後接圖組合;「Video To Panorama」則是採用更簡單的方式,使用者只要利用 iPhone 錄影功能拍攝影片,程式會自動擷取畫面製作全景照,完全不用擔心照片銜接不齊的問題。

Video To Panorama:把 iPhone 影片檔轉換成全景照

軟體名稱:Video To Panorama開發者:zhang facai價格:1.99 美金(目前特價 0.99 美金)適用平台:iOS 4.0 以上支援其他平台:無檔案大小:1.2 MB評價:★★★★☆版本:1.2更新日期:2011/10/21連結網址: 操作方式.