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Updated alternative energy incentives in the stimulus package « Federal Stimulus Provides Green Energy Incentives « Eco-Coach. Weekly Round Up: April 6 - 10, 2009. April 10, 2009 The Treasury Department announced last week a Public-Private Investment Program to clean up the toxic asset mess, and this week Michael Ettlinger, Andrew Jakabovics, and David Min for implementing the program and ensuring that it succeeds. Christian Weller released his economic snapshot for April 2009 , showing that the recession isn’t getting better yet, but that federal government actions are showing promise for turning the economy around. The recession has also caused many families to look for alternate forms of credit, and many are turning to payday loans. Amanda Logan explains what they are and what policymakers can do, and Raul Arce details the harmful effects of payday loans on minorities and low-income families.

As economic stimulus funds start flowing into the economy, Peter Swire discusses how to meld different programs on the grid, broadband, and infrastructure to efficiently achieve a diverse set of closely related goals. Search. Center for American Progress. Search. Recommendations for the Public-Private Investment Program. SOURCE: AP/J. Scott Applewhite Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testifies on Capitol Hill last month. By Michael Ettlinger , Andrew Jakabovics, and David Min | April 9, 2009 Read the full report (pdf) Download the executive summary (pdf) The U.S. The nation needs healthy financial institutions performing their much-needed role in the economy as providers of credit, and for that to happen these bad assets must be dealt with. A major obstacle to dealing with the toxic asset problem is how to determine what these assets are worth.

PPIP is designed to finally get the value of these assets right by creating a well-functioning market where buyers and sellers set prices through their transactions. Although the Treasury has announced the general structure of PPIP, there are still a number of details to be fleshed out. Limits the holders of large quantities of toxic assets from participating in the PPIP investment vehicles that will purchase these assets.

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