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Twitter - All the Numbers That Matter. L'utilisation de Twitter - JBlog Pro, by JB Plantin. I want to meet Coco. Twivial - Play trivia on twitter! Entreprises, créez votre jeu sur Twitter !  Le média social à 140 caractères est un bon moyen de diffuser votre marque : c’est un « information network « , si l’on suit la recommandation des animateurs de la conférence « Playing with 140 characters, designing games for Twitter « .

Si à cela vous ajoutez l’incentive fatal, vous avez tout compris. Quel est-il ? Le jeu, voyons ! Ou en tous cas, le ludique. Pour construire le jeu natif twitter, demandez à vos développeurs ou à vos agences de prendre appui sur les commandes proposées en standard : Tweeters, Tweets, Hashtag, Mentions, Twitterfall, Followers, Lists, Follow, Unfollow, Mention, Block, Report, Retweet, Reply, Favourite et Search. On peut aller vers du plus évolué type MMO (jeu massivement multijoueurs) : spymasters ou 140mafia ; tweeterverse comme Twirdie ou Backchatter (qui vient d’être mis en open source) ; ARG (réalité alternée) type Echo Bazaar . Twitbrain.

Twitter-crm-sav - Start a Twitter Petition. StrawPoll Platform. Generate a List of Twitter Users | TweepGen. Graphin' Your Stats. SUPER CHIRP! The Current State of Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC] Muhammad Saleem is a social media consultant and a top-ranked community member on multiple social news sites. Follow him on Twitter for more social media insights. There is no doubt that Twitter has been a runaway success. Add to their rapid growth the recently announced @anywhere platform, and plans for further international expansion, and it comes as no surprise that the company is not looking to sell — at least within the next 2 years.

While the site's growth has certainly been impressive and it has reached the point of non-displacement, there are some interesting hidden truths about Twitter and its users. The following graphic takes a look at Twitter's path to 10 billion tweets, what we have learned about its users and what they've been talking about along the way. Click the Image for Full Size Version. 25 Twitter Apps to Manage Multiple Accounts. It may seem like an impossible task to keep up with all the Twitter apps that have come to market as of late.

Even though you have plenty of directories to help with the process, we noticed that it's still difficult to ascertain which apps support multiple accounts. As more and more people are using Twitter for personal and professional reasons, the demand for a Twitter client to match those multifaceted needs is rising. Here are several options to help you tweet now or later from different accounts on your desktop, via the Web, and while on the run. We've also included a few browser add-ons and business-specific clients to help you find the right application to suit your Twittering needs. Desktop Nambu: A great single or mutli-column app for multiple Twitter,, and account management. Seesmic Desktop: A viable threat to TweetDeck, Seesmic Desktop has no limitations on the number of accounts you can manage.

Web Semi-Professional Browser Add-Ons iPhone. Welcome to BrightKit - BrightKit. -- --: Intranet Professionals on Twitter. Today is #followfriday on Twitter. This is where folks on twitter will list a few individuals they follow and the tag #followfriday. It's like a 'shout out' and a recommendation all in one. I have noticed a few Twitterers mention that they wished people would say why we should follow the recommended names along with the tweet.

So I started a tweet with 'Intranet Gurus to follow...' and found that I could only fit a few names -- and there's so many great Intranet professionals on Twitter that I've connected with. If you're an Intranet Professional, expert on intranets, or just interested in intranet discussion - comment on this post and add your name and Twitter link.

Intranet Gurus, Professionals, & Addicts to Follow on Twitter (in no particular order)@IntranetMatters - Stephan Schillerwein; Intranet Professional trying to improve the way people use and act on information to make the world a better (informed) place @nicprice - Nic Price; Serendipitist. Tout savoir sur Twitter et le Microblogging | Si 2007 était l’année des réseaux sociaux et notamment de Facebook, 2008 est davantage marquée par l’émergence des micro-média et plus particulièrement de plateformes comme Twitter. D’ailleurs, le Gartner qui vient de rendre publique son “Hype Cycle“, une représentation graphique de la maturité, de l’adoption et de l’usage professionnel de technologies place le microblogging en haut de sa courbe de popularité. Le blogzine Mashable parle lui d’une augmentation du nombre d’utilisateurs de l’ordre de +422% pour en 12 mois pour Twitter avec des sites Web tels que Casino 41 faisant d’énormes gains..

Désormais il faudra compter avec la communication “micro”. On ne parle plus de son environnement direct mais de soi (ce qu’il se passe dans notre vie trépidante, notre humeur du moment, nos réflexions sur tout et n’importe-quoi notre situation géographique et notre disponibilité), le tout de manière instantanée. Le Microblogging, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Qui suivre ? Comment s’y prendre ? Twitter Influence Analyzer. Batch tweeting. : feed your blog to twitter - post RSS to twitte. Bluenod | Visualize communities.

Social Media Firehose. Twtpoll :: a simple survey twitter app. List of Enterprise Microblogging Tools: Twitter for the Intranet. With the popularity to Twitter and other Microblogging tools, we should expect to see a flurry of simliar tools for project and program mangaement for the enterprises. Stemming from commodity technology, I’m sure I’ll have a hard time keeping this list up to date over a few months –expect IM vendors, blogging vendors, community platforms, enterprise 2.0 vendors, and a flurry of startups to offer similiar features, first read up on the pros and cons as well as some potential use cases.

It’s interesting to see the need to justify enterprise needs of such tools that are already being adopted by consumers, typical of enterprise settings (I’m a former enterprise intranet manager). With that said, let’s start the definitive list. List of Enterprise Microblogging Tools I’ll be making lots of updates to this post as comments come in.

See this list of opensource twitter vendors. Have you deployed this at your company?