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Chaîne de PeaceOneDay. Peace One Day is working to manifest an annual day of global unity; a day of intercultural cooperation on a scale that humanity has never known. In the late 1990s, filmmaker Jeremy Gilley and founder of Peace One Day created a documentary about his campaign to establish an annual day of cease-fire and non-violence. And in 2001, Peace One Day's efforts were rewarded when the member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted a resolution making the 21st of September . . .Peace Day. Through the actions of people all over the world, we are proving that the Day is working, that we can save lives.

Last year, in Afghanistan, alone, the United Nations reported a 70% reduction in violence on Peace Day, and 1.6 million children were vaccinated for polio. The next stepping stone on this journey is to reach 3 billion people with the message of Peace Day by 2012. What will you do to make peace on 21 September? Accueil. le premier comparateur gratuit d’associations | Le don en ligne permet une réduction des frais de traitement pour les associations, mais il n’existait jusqu’à présent aucun site permettant de trouver facilement une association qui corresponde à l’attente de l’internaute et d’accéder naturellement à sa page de don. Aquidonner com propose un moyen simple pour résoudre ce manque : le premier comparateur d’associations. La comparaison des associations rend visible toutes les associations 1 foyer sur 4 donne.

Les donateurs utilisent peu le don en ligne et donnent presque toujours aux mêmes associations. Ces dernières sont surtout repérées grâce à des campagnes nationales, à leur présence sur les plateaux de télé voire à travers des émissions entièrement consacrées à leur action. Par manque de visibilité, les plus petites associations arrivent difficilement à se faire connaître et suscitent peu de dons. Par le biais du comparateur, elles sont toutes visibles. Les non-donateurs vers le premier don. Recommend Your Favorite Products for a Cause. This post is part of Mashable’s Spark of Genius series, which highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. Name: Quick Pitch: Trusted recommendations and social media for the social good. It’s Aardvark meets Amazon reviews meets Twitter and Facebook. Genius Idea: Friends love to share information about great products with each other. According to a survey by Publicis last year, 46% of Facebook users said they would discuss or recommend a product on Facebook, while another 44% have already recommended a product on Twitter.

Not only do friends love to recommend products to each other, but friends also trust these recommendations. Enter I tried out the service myself by recommending an edition of one of my favorite novels, Howard's End by E.M. Sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark. IZI-Collecte : Collecte de dons en ligne. Seth's Blog: I gave at the office. Mark Rovner has an insightful post about the current state of fundraising and non-profits. The short version: most big charities are based on direct mail fundraising, and as you're read here before, direct mail is dying. What to do? I'll start with the bad news: I despair for most of the top 50 non-profits in the US. These are the big guys, and they're stuck. The good news is this: the Internet is not a replacement for direct mail fundraising. As soon as commerce started online, many non-profits discovered lots of income from their websites.

The big win is in changing the very nature of what it means to support a charity. The big win is in turning donors into patrons and activists and participants. The internet allows some organizations to embrace long-distance involvement. Do you have to abandon the old ways today? Haiti earthquake – Flickr : Rechercher.