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ProducersToolbox Payroll RealityTV(full) How To Use The New iOS 8 Manual Camera Controls. In addition to improvements in the native Camera and Photos apps, iOS 8 brings a host of new capabilities that can be used by third-party camera apps to put more power into the hands of the iPhone photographer. In this article, Michal Szklanowski examines these new manual camera controls and shows you how to use them to take better photos with your iPhone. iOS 8 was released on September 17, and there’s been a lot of excitement about the new manual exposure controls now available in the native Camera app. But iOS 8 also enables third-party camera apps to offer a whole range of new manual capabilities, namely: Exposure compensationManual exposureManual focusManual white balanceBracketed capture This is very exciting for photographers!

These new manual controls will give us DSLR-like control over our iPhones, enabling us to achieve better exposure and get more creative with our photography. Exposure Compensation The longer the shutter speed, the brighter the photo will be. Manual Exposure. Reading List | ProducingforFilm. This is a list of some of my favorite books on film, business and writing. Please send me your recommendations for your favorites as well.

I do check these books out before posting them on this page so it may take a little while before they appear! Writing I start with books on writing because a producer needs to be a clear, coherent communicator whether crafting a deal memo, a business letter or a simple email. These are presented in no particular order. The Elements of Style – William Strunk Jr and E.B. White The classic treatise on clear concise written communication. Grammar for the Soul – Lawrence A. Eats, Shoots and Leaves – Lynne Truss An entertaining book on punctuation and how it affects our writing. Two books on creative writing that I think are helpful to everyone: Stephen King on Writing– Stephen King The inner workings of the great horror writer Filmmaking These books are all very good reads and are presented in no particular order.

Memo: David O.


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