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"What if we could listen to our cities?" SoundAffects is a project by @parsonsamt @tellart and mono #maxmsp #sound #html5 #arduino. On Fifth Avenue, a listening wall has jacks built in, so passersby can plug in earphones and listen to street activity translated into music. Sensors built into the wall detect movement, proximity, temperature, weather, cell phone activity, noise, color and light. Online and at night, a data visualizer translates the street activity and plays along with the music. The music, and the corresponding visuals and video, are available in near real-time through the browser or on your phone.

The composition is navigable using the timeline, which is marked with the “experiments” scheduled throughout the week. What would we learn if we changed the way we looked at our cities? What if, instead of just looking at them, we could listen to them? The team has also made the data available to the public. + more videos here. SoundAffects is a collaboration between Parsons The New School for Design, Tellart and mono. Related. Echo locations. Junction (Prototype) : NYC Taxis Create a Real-Time Soundtrack. Tectonic: Earthquakes Generate Music in Realtime. We Feel Fine / by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar. Madame Curie by Jennifer Steinkamp - InfraBodies.