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How to Raise a Happier, Healthier Cat. Security Survival is the strongest instinct of all animals. Without freedom from the fear of imminent danger no creature can eat or rest. Here are three of the things your cat needs to feel secure: Personal space - Does your cat have a favorite hiding spot? Does she surprise you by perching on the fireplace mantel? Does she seek out the most private area of the linen closet on the top shelf? Or stretch out on top of the refrigerator? Good Diet Poor nutrition can lead to a number of uncomfortable problems for your cat, for example, low energy, poor quality skin and hair coat, increased shedding, and more frequent incidence of disease.

Most cats are very uncomfortable if they cannot keep their environment clean. A Comfortable And Clean Habitat Eliminate odors - Cat odor can be unpleasant for you and your family, and your cat. Mental Stimulation Your cat is an instinctive huntress. Challenging toys - The Da Bird Toy is one of our most popular items. International cat care | Formerly feline advisory bureau. Signs of a Healthy Kitten. When you have decided that the time is right to adopt or purchase a family kitten there are a few signs that you need to be aware of before bringing one home. One simple overlooked bodily symptom could cost your family hundreds of dollars in veterinary care.

It is best to be informed before making a final decision on such an important matter. The number of homeless animals in America are staggering. Most animals in shelters are there because the owners adopted in haste. Doing your homework before adopting could save you time, money, and heartache. First, you want to gently examine the kitten, or cat, visibly. Signs of an ill cat can be warnings to you.

Check the kitten ears. You will need to gently check the kittens mouth. The most obvious sign is the kittens fur coat. Tips for a Healthy Cat. Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition :: healthy cat diet, making cat food, litter box, cat food, cat nutrition, cat urinary tract health.