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22 free tools for data visualization and analysis. Review April 20, 2011 06:00 AM ET Visualization applications and services These tools offer a number of different visualization options. While some stick to conventional charts and graphs, many offer a range of other choices such as treemaps and word clouds. A few offer geographical mapping as well, although if you're interested in maps, our sections on GIS/mapping focus specifically on that. Google Fusion Tables What it does: This is one of the simplest ways I've seen to turn data into a chart or map.

There are some data editing functions within Fusion Tables, although changing more than a few individual cell entries can quickly become tedious. Mapping goes beyond just placing points, as many of us are accustomed to with Google Maps. The Knight Digital Media Center notes that a handy undocumented feature allows the use of Fusion Table's "templating" export to generate a JSON file from data in other formats.

Skill level: Beginner. Runs on: Any Web browser. Impure Skill level: Intermediate. LINQ to XML - 5 Minute Overview. I want feedback on this article. Please leave your comments in the discussion page (click on the Discuss button on the top-right of this page)LINQ to XML is a new way to construct, write and read XML data in the .NET language of the developers’ choice. This new API simplifies working with XML data without having to resort to using additional language syntax like XPath or XSLT. LINQ to XML is not a replacement for any of the current DOM’s or XML class libraries; LINQ to XML in many cases overlaps their functionality and aims to provide a superior developer experience, but existing code will continue to work.

One aspect of LINQ to XML is that it supports writing Query Expressions and can be combined with any of the other LINQ technologies to create or use XML data as a source or destination format. LINQ to XML has a simple model for building XML documents by hand. Console.WriteLine(xml); Generating an XML document by hand by cascading attributes in the constructor. XElement Example. XElement loads and parses XML. It allows you to remove lots of old code and eliminate the possibility of bugs and typos. Here we see an example of XElement from LINQ.We use it to load,and query,an XML document. Example This first example loads a sitemap XML file from a website. A sitemap contains a list of all pages and (in some cases) images. XName:We create two XName objects.These store both the namespace and the local element name. Note:For XML files in a custom namespace, use XName objects instead of strings to look up elements in XElement objects.

We call the Elements() method with the XName argument. We can see that the sitemap contains 1247 url elements. Note:If you run this program, the output depends on the current state of the sitemap file. Also:The program calls the Count() extension method to count all the Elements(). CountIEnumerable Example 2 Continuing on, we look at how you can use the static Load method on an XML document with XElement. MapPathStatic Method Singleton Class. XQuery/FLWOR Expression. Motivation[edit] You have a sequence of items and you want to create a report that contains these items.

Method[edit] We will use a basic XQuery FLWOR expression to iterate through each of the items in a sequence. The five parts of a FLWOR expression are: for - specifies what items in the sequence you want to select (optional)let - used to create temporary names used in the return (optional)where - limit items returned (optional)order - change the order of the results (optional)return - specify the structure of the data returned (required) Lets assume we have a sample file of books that looks like this: Here is a simple example of a FLWOR expression that will return only the titles and prices of the books sorted by title: for $book in doc("catalog.xml")/books/book let $title := $book/title/text() let $price := $book/price/text() where xs:decimal($price) gt 50.00 order by $title return <book><title>{$title}</title><price>{$price}</price></book> Using the "at" function as a counter[edit]

Program. Date: Wednesday, June 01 Time: 10:30-12:30 Location: 1700 Labatt Hall, Harbour Centre Chairs: Arofan Gregory (Open Data Foundation) and Joachim Wackerow (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences) Abstract: This panel addresses recent developments in the DDI implementation landscape - new tools developments, and related developments in the standards. There has been much activity in the DDI community within the past year. Some of the existing tools have been extended with major new features; there are several new tools which support and use DDI 3, and there have been some developments for the DDI standards by the DDI Alliance itself, which will influence on-going tools support. Discussion covers both open-source and freely available tools, and also commercial tools which support DDI 3. This panel summarizes these recent developments, and highlights the points of interest.

The panel is divided in three blocks: A1, C1, and D1. Can DDI eXist? DexTris. Overview DeXtris is a open source utility whose objective is to facilitate the use and understanding of XML files. It has been designed for simplicity and does not require the installation of extra component. Instead, it runs into standard web browser such as Firefox or Internet Explorer. To use the software, open any valid XML file on your computer by using the form at the top of the page. For all XML documents, DeXtris provides basic functionalities such as a file overview and the ability to browse the document. You will find DDI 1/2.x and 3.0 sample documents in the "examples" folder under the application installation directory. The application focuses on metadata standards recommended by the Open Data Foundation for the management of statistical data. DeXtris is in its initial stage of development and your commnents and feedback will play a vital role in future development of the tool.

Download Current version is 2007.03 Recent Changes About License Copyright 2006,2007 Open Data Foundation. Ddixslt - XSLT stylesheets for DDI. This is a collection of xslt-stylesheets for DDI for transformation the metadata to other formats. Test the current transformations online: Current XSLT in development: DDI 3.1 to XHTML Download EDDI 2012 release DDI 3.1 to datacite (dev version ) DDI 3.1 to RDF (moved to github) Currently the Stylesheet for DDI3.1 -> XHTML supports Basic rendering of fields for study unit Basic rendering of other material (presented as external links) Rendering of questions and sub questions Rendering of variables Rendering of codes Rendering of routing Example of rendered instruments Example of a codebook question. Mapping to Dublin Core (DDI Version 2) | DDI - Data Documentation Initiative. What is DDI? | DDI - Data Documentation Initiative. About the DDI standards The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an effort to create an international standard for describing data from the social, behavioral, and economic sciences. Expressed in XML, the DDI metadata specification now supports the entire research data life cycle. DDI metadata accompanies and enables data conceptualization, collection, processing, distribution, discovery, analysis, repurposing, and archiving. For current implementations of DDI and its benefits for different applications, see DDI at Work. To ensure continued support and ongoing development of the standard, DDI has been branched into two separate development lines. About the DDI Alliance The DDI Alliance is a self-sustaining membership organization that develops and promotes the DDI specification and associated tools, education, and outreach programs.

A word cloud generated from all the pages on the DDI website: [Click image to enlarge] CERIF Material. XML - Lesson 03: Operations on XML Elements. So far, to create an XML element, we were directly typing in a file. When such a file has been created and saved, it is ready to be processed. Here is an example of a file named Videos.xml: <? Xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ? In some applications, you will want the user to provide you with the necessary value(s) to create an element.

Before performing an operation, you will usually need to decide in what section of the file you want the action to bee applied. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and create a Console Application named cpap3 On the main menu, click Project -> Add New Item... To assist with programmatically creating a new element, the XmlDocument class provides the CreateElement() method that is overloaded with three versions. Public XmlElement CreateElement(string name); Using this method, to create a new element, call it and pass it the name of the element. Public virtual XmlNode AppendChild(XmlNode newChild); This would produce: <?

Notice that the newly added element is empty. OAI Repository Explorer.