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Acupuncture. Self Improvement. 60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again - StumbleUpon. 100 Ways to Nurture Yourself & Demanding Joy - StumbleUpon. Probably the most important component to demanding your joy is learning to take excellent care of yourself – mind, body, and spirit. Think of caring for yourself as if you were your own child – giving to yourself at least as much as you give to others. You are worth it! Like joy itself, self-nurturing comes in many little bits. Here are 100 of those bits for your consideration. This is not a checklist – only a list of suggestions. Put a post-it on your mirror that says, “You look beautiful!” OK, that’s more than 100. Here are a couple of books I recommend that helped me to nurture myself when I was feeling less than inspired: Stand Up for Your Life You Can Heal Your Life Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things Tags: intention , lists , self.

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