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How to Embed YouTube Video Playlists in Web Pages. Learn how you can easily embed YouTube video playlists on your web pages. These embedded video playlists use the new HTML5 based IFRAME tags. If you are planning to embed multiple YouTube videos on a web page, you may even consider putting all these videos into a single YouTube playlist and then embed the playlist into your page. This offers two advantages: 1. 2. The default embed code for any YouTube video playlist looks something like this (remember to replace the word “ID” with the actual YouTube playlist ID) : If you find the above code confusing, there a much simpler way as well.

YouTube offers an IFRAME option for embedding individual videos and the same code can be extended to embed video playlists as well. You may have to modify the value of height and width attributes to make the video player fit your page. What’s the advantage? Here’s a sample YouTube playlist embedded using the new IFRAME style. Also see: Embed Anything in your Web Pages. YouTube APIs and Tools - Google Code. YouTube Direct - YouTube APIs and Tools - Google Code. Developer's Guide: Data API Protocol – Searching for Playlists - YouTube APIs and Tools - Google Code. YouTube Player APIs and Tools. YouTube Embedded Player Parameters - YouTube APIs and Tools - Google Code. YouTube Player Demo - YouTube APIs and Tools - Google Code. YouTube Chromeless Player with Google Analytics Event Tracking. You probably know that you can implement YouTube videos on your own web site, but do you know that you can make your own YouTube player?

Why on earth should I make my own YouTube video player, perhaps you think. It's mainly three reasons for that: You can decide the look and functionality of the video player.You can track how your visitors interact with your videos through your web analytics.It's easy to play embedded YouTube Videos in high quality. Why did I make this player? A while ago Justin Cutroni wrote an article called Tracking YouTube Videos with Google Analytics. To be able to track your visitor's interaction with your YouTube videos with web analytics, you have to use the YouTube Chromeless Player.

Since web analytics, and Google Analytics in particular, is one of my interests, I started to look for YouTube Chromeless Players that were easy to style and implement. How to implement the YouTube Chromeless Player The player is implemented in articles using an iframe. Dennis R.