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Customizing Onepage Checkout - Remove shipping_method. Adding a Product to the Cart via Querystring. Know More About Your Customers - Adding Custom Signup Attributes | Fontis - IT Consulting, Development and eCommerce. Magento provides a simple user account signup page. However, some online stores might want to collect relevant customer information for more targeted and personal interactions with their customers. Some examples of details that could be collected include shoe size, clothing size or favourite colour. Adding your custom fields on the signup form is not difficult, but it is not trivial either, since one cannot use the Magento backend for the task. As an example of how it can be done, I will demonstrate the addition of a new custom field to the signup form asking new users to enter their favourite ice cream flavour.

We need to make a module to extend the functionality of the customer model. Start by adding the module xml file to the app/etc/modules/ directory. Address details If you only want to add fields for address details you are in luck. <? And Note that there are two occurrences of this if statement. Removing phone number field One final issue relates to the telephone number field.

If (!


Magento Layout Files Reference | Magsvento. This reference documents Magento’s layout files , i.e. the XML files in a app/design/frontend/ / /layout folder. There’s a complete list of layout handles , e.g. default, for every layout file, e.g. page.xml. More importantly, this reference covers all of the XML elements, including their attributes and common values. If possible, examples are given for each element or attribute to further clarify their usage. Please Note: This is a work in progress and is currently missing descriptions for the XML elements and attributes.

Layout handles for each layout file bundle.xml default catalog_category_default catalog_category_view catalog_category_layered catalog_product_compare_index catalogsearch_result_index catalogsearch_advanced_result tag_product_list wishlist_index_index wishlist_shared_index catalog_product_view PRODUCT_TYPE_simple customer_account checkout_cart_index checkout_onepage_review checkout_multishipping_addresses checkout_multishipping_shipping checkout_multishipping_overview PRODUCT_TYPE_bundle.

How does magento URL rewriting work | magento tutorial from Magento database diagram • PDF Download. If you worked with osCommerce, Zen Cart, CRE Loaded or any similar eCommerce platform before, you might find Magento database structure quite confusing when you see it for the first time. I advise you not to rush too much figuring out what is what by glancing through database. Try to spend first few hours getting familiar with some background.

For purposes of flexibility, the Magento database heavily utilizes an Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) data model. As is often the case, the cost of flexibility is complexity. Data manipulation in Magento is often more knowledge demanding than that typical use of traditional relational tables. Download Magento 1.1.6 MySQL database diagram (PDF)Download Magento MySQL database diagram (PDF) For the later versions, visit Database diagrams and documents found in this post are intended to mirror the database schema as defined by Varien. The author of Database Diagram is Gordon Goodwin, IT Consultant. PS. Author. Select zip code and address for customer(s) Get customer data in magento. How to check if admin is logged in within a module controller? Sorting, Filtering, Paging. Last time we got to grips with the basics of collections, and if you haven’t already I suggest you take a look at that tutorial to familiarise yourself. If nothing else, I show you a good way to set up a test environment for your code snippets, which will be useful for the things I show you this week.

So, following on from last week I’ve got a file called block.phtml which is holding all our code. Clearly if you were actually developing a module out of this code you wouldn’t just stick it into a template like this, but it’s the easiest way to get things working quickly. I’ve also set up three products, called imaginatively ‘Product A’, ‘Product B’ and ‘Product C’. Sorting OK let’s get started with one of the most basic Magento collection functions, sorting. The function you’ll use most often is called ‘setOrder’. <? With the products I’ve set up for this demonstration, my homepage now looks like this: Now, let’s add a new line to our php and see what the difference is. Filtering <? Paging. Check if CMS page. Magento Determine if Current Page is Category or Not. Sometimes you find your self in the need to determine if the current page a visitor is viewing is of a category or not. The reason for this could drastically very, but one good reason is the need for a global element not be shown on any category page.

It would be much faster to simply include this element or rather custom block globally to your Magento store via your layout XML files, and have a condition in this block’s .phtml file that excluded any output on category page. This is a very simple method that simply looks to our Mage registry and asks the question “Is the current page indeed a current category page or not?”. Php if(! Mage::registry('current_category')):? > //OUTPUT THE GLOBAL ELEMENTS CODE ON NONE-CATEGORY PAGES php endif; ? Simple as that, of course the correct way would be to include this block globally via your XML layout files, and then remove it via XML (Custom Layout Update) in the backend->catalog->manage categories “Custom Design” tab for each category.

Devin R. Notify admins about incoming orders for free. It’s very common practice the administrators to get notification mail when a new order is placed on the shop. Here is how to activate this feature in Magento for free (there is paid Admin Notification Module as well): Log in into admin area, then go to System->Configuration menu.

Scroll down to Sales section and click on the Sales Emails and select the first section Orders. Enter your admin e-mail in the field “Send Order Email Copy To”. And here comes the tricky one Select the option “Separate email” from the “Send Order Email Copy Method” field. It’s possible that this is fixed in the versions above 1.2.x, but I haven’t tested. hope this helps someone. Get the Current Category. Forum Boards. Magento Answers. 10 Kick-Ass Magento Templates. I’m proud to announce that ThemeForest is now selling Magento eCommerce templates at cheap prices that any business or individual can afford. We’ve launched with thirty-five awesome Magento templates , but we’re just scratching the surface.

By the end of the year, ThemeForest will be the premier location for buying and selling Magento templates! Here are some of the best that we’ve launched with. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. So if you have a spare moment, and are in the market for an incredible Magento template, I hope you’ll stop by your neighborhood ThemeForest and take a look around! How do I know if my server is compatible with Magento? Moving Magento To Another Server. Magento Cache Management. How To Clone a Magento Commerce Site for Offline Development ‹ ‹ ScreencastWorldScreencastWorld. System Requirements. Magento for Designers. Easy E-Commerce With Magento. Hundreds of ecommerce systems exist, but very few can match the power of Magento. In this screencast, I'll demonstrate how to download and install Magento to a local host, configure some of the site options, and create simple and configurable products and categories for our test e-commerce site.

Screencast Why Use Magento? Well there are quite a few very good reasons to use Magento: A Simple Intuitive InterfaceEasy To Download, Install & MaintainBuilt on current technologies unlike other systems.Multiple Site FunctionalityAnd best of all...It's free and open source! Preparation As with all successful things in life, preparation is key! Downloading/Installing Magento Once our database has been set up on our server the next step is to download Magento itself. Now that we have the files on our server it’s time to install Magento, to do this we go to (or whichever folder your using) in your web browser.

Accept the TOC's and continue onto the next page. Tax Rules Categories. Magento for Developers. Magento helper class. Sometimes Magento uses helper class to retrieve some of the help info such url, name, group etc. So you have to override helper class when you want to change any url or something else. Helper class override is similar to block and model override. Here i described details about helper override with example. Here i show how to override helper class Mage_Customer_Helper_Data. 1. At first create new module to process override work and write below code in app/etc/modules/M4U_Customer.xml <? 2. <? 3. Class M4U_Customer_Helper_Data extends Mage_Customer_Helper_Data { // override existing method * Retrieve customer register form post url public function getRegisterPostUrl() { return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/create2'); } //write new function public function getRegisterPostUrl2() { return $this->_getUrl('customer/account/createpost'); } } I think who is familiar with Magento override theory, helper override is easy for them.

Display Categories and SubCategories. This entry was posted on June 28, 2010 by BT. A newer, better version of this post has been written. Category Navigation Listings in Magento eCommerce The majority of Magento websites out there list their top level categories as well as the current categories sub-categories. This feature is commonly requested on forums so I decided to write a small post about it. Rather than just write out the code, I will show you a few variations so that you can get the right one for you. All of the following code samples can be copy and pasted into ANY template file and will function correctly. Display Top Level Categories Only Display Top Level Categories and ALL Subcategories Display Top Level Categories and Current Categories SubCategories.

Magento Custom Category Listing Block. Here I wanted to show you how to build a custom Magento category listing block that you can use on your own Magento store. We will go over each step at getting a category listing of your magneto categories and even a sub category listing. Here is the finished code for your new category listing block. <? Php $cats = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(2)->getChildren(); $catIds = explode(',',$cats); ? ><ul><? Php foreach($catIds as $catId): ? And The XML Block Code: NOTE: After loading each category you have a whole array of different attributes you can use.

<a href="<? Enjoy everyone! How to Resize arbitrary images. You can resize image with fixed height and variable width. Or, you can resize with fixed width and variable height. Following code shows how you do it in Magento. Fixed width of 600px Fixed height of 600px The following code will resize image proportionally and not let the image be greater than height and width specified.

Description of the functions used above:- constrainOnly(bool $flag) Guarantee, that image picture will not be bigger, than it was. KeepAspectRatio(bool $flag) Guarantee, that image picture width/height will not be distorted. KeepFrame(bool $flag) Guarantee, that image will have dimensions, set in $width/$height. You can resize image with Varien_Image class as well.

You can use the resized image now as: Another Scenario Suppose, you have an image link. Now, I have to resize it. Displaying newly created resized image. You can check other function for Varien_Image at. How to Add Dynamic Content to Magento Static Blocks and Pages. Magento provides an easy way to create blocks of static content which, with a little Layout-XML-Fu, can be added to any page in Magento. Even better, these blocks can be added to any category page with no programming at all. This is great if you want to have a banner image with monthly specials and deals, or if you want to add a header image or descriptive text to a category. Magento also makes it really easy to create static SEO landing pages. In just a few clicks you have a new static page, ready to lace with images and tasty keyword laden text, and to link to any product or category in the Store proper. But you can’t put PHP code in these blocks or pages.

Not directly at least… Magento Static Blocks and Pages will process some predefined template tags. <a href="">Home</a> Similarly, you can use the “block” tag to load any dynamic theme template into a static block! You can also insert dynamic template blocks from custom modules you wrote. Why would you want to this though? Creating a Helper Class. Magento Articles for Professional Developers. A growing list of articles plumbing the depths of the enigmatic, and increasingly dominant, Magento eCommerce System.

Like these articles? Then you’ll love Commerce Bug, the must have debugging extension for anyone using Magento. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, Commerce Bug will save you and your team hours everyday. Grab a copy and start working with Magento instead of against it. Learning Magento with Commerce Bug An extended manual for Commerce Bug, covering specific debugging techniques while explaining core parts of the Magento system. N98-Magerun A “flash” Magento Quickies series on the powerful N98-Magerun command line tool. Magento for PHP MVC Developers This was the original series of articles I wrote on the functionality I thought a PHP developer coming to Magento would want to know about. Magento Pulse Storm Launcher This series covers posts related to the Magento Pulse Storm Launcher, the new free and open source extension from Pulse Storm LLC.

Customize Magento using Event/Observer. Magento Events Cheat Sheet Grep – Works for Any Version | Edmonds Commerce. Observer Events Cheat Sheet. Magento Events. Screencasts. Webinars. Magento Documentation (phpdoc) Freegento. Magento Core API. Magento Commerce: Developer Tip: How To Enable Template Path Hints and Add Block Name Hints‬‏ Create Your First Magento Module. Magento module Modules are the core functioning unit in a Magento system. Here I am giving an overview of how to write a “Hello World” module in magento. Simple basics before start you cooking :-) At the time of instantiating, magento system reads all the Xmls inside the folder /app/etc/modules/ to get the list of active modules and their corresponding code repository . So very first step of creating a magento module is to declare the module and its core repository(the repository of the module, in magento it’s calles codepool ).

If you open /app/code/ you will see 3 coodpool :- core, community and local. app/ |–code/ | |—community/ | |—core/ | |—local/ |Download Magento Module The “core” cood pool is dedicated for magento’s all system modules. Namespace: Company Modulename : Web Step 1: Declare your shell module and it’s code pool Create an xml file /app/etc/modules/Company_Web.xml (You can use any name, even you can use a single file to declare number of modules). <? <? <? Step 7: <? Dummy Guide to Connect Manager Downloader.