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Blog acerca de diseño, desarrollo web, recursos, fotografía, ilustración,... 25 jQuery Drop Down Menu Scripts. Toolbar.js: plugin jQuery para crear tooltips con aspecto de barra de herramientas. Toolbar.js te permite crear rápidamente tooltips con un aspecto similar a una barra de herramientas, en la que disponer diversos iconos.

Toolbar.js: plugin jQuery para crear tooltips con aspecto de barra de herramientas

Un interesante plugin que podemos utilizar tanto en el desarrollo de sitios como de aplicaciones web. Animate.css - a bunch of plug-and-play CSS animations. CSS: Responsive Navigation Menu. Previously I wrote a tutorial on how to make a mobile navigation for responsive design, now I've discovered a new technique to produce a responsive menu without having to use Javascript.

CSS: Responsive Navigation Menu

It uses clean and semantic HTML5 markup. The menu can be aligned left, center or right. Unlike the previous tutorial where it is clicked to toggle, this menu toggles on hover which is more user friendly. It also has an indicator to show the active/current menu item. It works on all mobile and desktop browsers including Internet Explorer! View Demo Responsive Menu The Purpose.

Transitions for Off-Canvas Navigations. Some inspiration for transition effects for off-canvas navigations.

Transitions for Off-Canvas Navigations

View demo Download source. Animate.css – CSS3 Library To Create Animation Easily. Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids - noupe. May 21 2014 It is almost a year ago, that Christian Pucci from Italy introduced his stylesheet-project Magic.css.

Magic.css: CSS3 Animations on Steroids - noupe

Magic.css lets you build CSS3 animations with special effects. Last year, Christian, better known as miniMac, had only a handful of effects to show. Up until today, this number has grown to 55. All the effects come in a single stylesheet, prefixed for all modern browsers. 3D Models, Website Templates and Illustrations blog. There are many ways to improve user’s experience on site.

3D Models, Website Templates and Illustrations blog

But today we decided to focus on navigation. An intuitive, user-friendly navigation is a great benefit no website owner will contest. As a rule, the visitor scrolls down your website all the way to read the content and when he/she wants to continue research, the scrolling should be done over again, this time backwards. Surely, there are some good ways to free customer’s fingers from monotonous actions. One of them is to make your menu bar stick to the top of the page. Fixed Navigation Bar in CSS & HTML In this tutorial you will learn how to make a navigation bar which is always on the top of the page, using basic HTML and CSS. Desplazamiento animado en anclas de enlaces con jQuery.

Compensadores, Mangueras Metálicas Flexibles, Control de nivel, Trampa de vapor, Válvulas. Certified Angus Beef® - Angus beef at its best. How To Code a Vertical Accordion Nav Menu with jQuery. Oregon Foods. Swatch Book with CSS3 and jQuery. jQuery.mmenu – Create Sliding Menu With Ease. Creating creatively different menu sometimes is pretty hard when you have no any good idea or inspiration.

jQuery.mmenu – Create Sliding Menu With Ease

But this kind of matter can be fixed by searching other inspirational menu design or with the help of tools. How to Create Hide / Show Notification Bar With CSS3. Inspired by one of our readers comment from our previous, we are going to show you how to create a notification bar with a control button in this tutorial.

How to Create Hide / Show Notification Bar With CSS3

The idea is that we will be able to hide or show the notification bar by clicking on a button – similar to the HelloBar. View Demo As the title said, we will be doing this using (only) some CSS3 features. Well, let’s just get started. Recommended Reading: Unobtrusive Website Toolbars To Help Increase User Engagement HTML Markup We start off by creating the document and structuring the HTML markups. Add the HTML elements in the following order. Sidr for jQuery: Modern Sidebar Navigation with an Edge - noupe. Apr 12 2013 We all came to love the so-called panel menu, or more correct off-canvas-menu, which saw a dramatic rise in popularity alongside the equally dramatic rise in popularity of smartphones and mobile clients in general.

Sidr for jQuery: Modern Sidebar Navigation with an Edge - noupe

It’s getting hard to find one smartphone app that isn’t equipped with a navigation that slides in at swipe or tap. If my memory does not betray me, it was Facebook’s app that first made use of an off-canvas-menu. Image Accordion with CSS3. In this tutorial we will create an image accordion that will expand an item on click.

Image Accordion with CSS3

Using the sibling combinators and a nested structure we can control the opening of the items/slides with radio buttons. View demo Download source Today we are going to create a CSS-only image accordion. We’ll use a nested structure and apply a technique of radio buttons and the sibling combinator in order to control the slides. The idea is to make each item, or slide, “clickable” by overlaying the radio button over the entire slide, and change the position of a child element when clicking on it.

The images used in the demo are from the “L’aquarelle” project by Andrey & Lili: L’aquarelle on Behance. Please note: the result of this tutorial will only work as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties. The Markup You could also use different kind of content here, what is important is the nested structure and the radio input. The CSS The width is calculated as follows: