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PowerShell Tutorial for Beginners - Introduction. PowerShell Tutorial for beginners.

PowerShell Tutorial for Beginners - Introduction

Windows PowerShell instruction thought-out for those new to PowerShell. In the next few weeks I will be posting a series of PowerShell basics that will provide a good start for a solid foundation. Here is what I have slated: The Windows PowerShell Console – Configuration and Customization.PowerShell Basics - Cmdlets, Parameters, Command Types, Command Information, etc…Output using the PowerShell Format command.Engaging the Windows File System.WMI and .NET primer (real basic)Variables in PowerShellTaking what you have learned and applying it.

The initial lessons are concentrated around PowerShell as a Command Shell. PowerShell 2.0 commands. TechNet Script Center Repository. Practical PowerShell - Video Series : Products : Idera.

Hey, Scripting Guy!