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Experimenting with async/await in Node.js 7 Nightly | @RisingStack. Getting Started with Node.js and LoopBack - Semaphore. Create a testable, explorable API in minutes using Node.js and the LoopBack framework. Introduction As APIs become more and more ubiquitous, it becomes increasingly important than ever that your application successfully delivers production quality APIs to your users in a fast and efficient manner. Node.js and LoopBack are here to help you do just that. LoopBack is a highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework that enables you to create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs with little or no coding. By the end of this article, you'll learn how to: Install the LoopBack framework,Create a custom API endpoint using the slc command-line tool, andTest your custom endpoint with mocha, chai and supertest. Prerequisites We will be using the latest LTS version of Node.js, which at the time of writing, is v6.6.0. Node.js - download at or install via Node Version Manager, andnpm - v.3.10.3 included with your Node.js installation.

Project Setup We'll get started by installing the strongloop package. Node.js + Express.js Walkthrough Part 1. Node.js Enterprise Conversations - Episode 5 Groupon. GitHub - KunalKapadia/express-mongoose-es6-rest-api: A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage. Refactoring a Basic, Authenticated API with Node, Express, and Mongo. In a previous series, I was attempting to break down building a full stack JavaScript application. I have since learned a great deal, and I want to go back and make improvements upon what was already covered before moving forward. This means the whole app will be restructured, so it might behoove you to start from scratch. This post will be at a slightly quicker pace than the previous three guides I wrote, so reference those if need be.

Once again, our chosen stack for development will be: Node, Express, React (with Redux), and MongoDB. Step 1: Scaffolding Open up a new folder and call it saas-tutorial. Client/node_modules server/node_modules Next, create a folder called client and a folder called server. /src |----/actions |----/components |----/public |----/stylesheets |----/img |----/reducers Now in the server folder, create the following: /config |----/main.js /controllers /models index.js package.json router.js That's it for step one. Step 2: Starting a Node/Express Server router(app);

Josh Emerson - Node.js Live London. Node JS Architecture - Single Threaded Event Loop - JournalDev. Today we will look into Node JS Architecture and Single Threaded Event Loop model. In our previous posts, we have discussed about Node JS Basics, Node JS Components and Node JS installation. Before starting some Node JS programming examples, it’s important to have an idea about Node JS architecture. We will discuss about “How Node JS works under-the-hood, what type of processing model it is following, How Node JS handles concurrent request with Single-Threaded model” etc. in this post.

Node JS Single Threaded Event Loop Model As we have already discussed, Node JS applications uses “Single Threaded Event Loop Model” architecture to handle multiple concurrent clients. There are many web application technologies like JSP, Spring MVC, ASP.NET, HTML, Ajax, jQuery etc. We are already familiar with “Multi-Threaded Request-Response” architecture because it’s used by most of the web application frameworks. Any web developer can learn Node JS and develop applications very easily.

Node JS Platform. Node Hero - How to Deploy Node.js with Heroku or Docker | @RisingStack. This article is the 12th part of the tutorial series called Node Hero - in these chapters, you can learn how to get started with Node.js and deliver software products using it. In this Node.js deployment tutorial, you are going to learn how to deploy Node.js applications to either a PaaS provider (Heroku) or with using Docker. Upcoming and past chapters: Deploy Node.js to a PaaS Platform-as-a-Service providers can be a great fit for teams who want to do zero operations or create small applications.

In this part of the tutorial, you are going to learn how to use Heroku to deploy your Node.js applications with ease. Prerequisites for Heroku To deploy to Heroku, we have to push code to a remote git repository. We will also need to download and install the Heroku toolbelt. Heroku --version heroku-toolbelt/3.40.11 (x86_64-darwin10.8.0) ruby/1.9.3 Once the toolbelt is up and running, log in to use it: heroku login Enter your Heroku credentials. Deploying to Heroku git remote add heroku HEROKU_URL.

GitHub - DimitriMikadze/node-redux-auth: Token authentication system using Node, Mongo, React, Redux. Node.js Tutorial #04 What are Node Modules | First Node Js Application. 10 Tips For Optimizing Node.js Applications - Jscrambler BlogJscrambler Blog. In this post you will learn 10 useful optimization tips to perform in a Node.js application. Always use asynchronous functions Okay, why should we always write asynchronous functions? Because this is best part of Node.js, all asynchronous function perform a non-blocking I/O, avoiding CPU idle. For an application which runs a lot of I/Os this simple trick will make the servers work more and better, because a server which is processing non-blocking I/O is able to handle multiple requests at the same time, while one of these requests is performing an I/O.

See the example: var fs = require('fs'); // Performing a blocking I/O var file = fs.readFileSync('/etc/passwd'); console.log(file); // Performing a non-blocking I/O fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', function(err, file) { if (err) return err; console.log(file); }); Use async module for better functions organization One of the challenges about working with asynchronous functions is to handle multiple chained callbacks. Use Node.js to only send data. What is Connect module in Node.js? GitHub - devTristan/simple-postgres: a minimal postgres interface for node. GitHub - ratneshsinghparihar/Node-Data: Node-Data is a Node.js javascript framework where all back end concerns are wrapped in annotations.

GitHub - holyjs/holyjs: HolyJS - NodeJS Server Project Starter. Developing desktop applications with Electron and Bozon | Ruby On Rails Blog by Railsware. A pretty cool and ambitious idea of writing non-web applications with web technologies is all over the place nowadays. We’ve got React Native for developing mobile apps with JavaScript, there are NW.js (formerly node-webkit) and Electron (formerly atom-shell) for building desktop applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and many other smaller efforts to bring web technologies to native world. There were times when writing a code editor based on browser window sounded strange and many developers considered it an experiment which could not lead to success. But despite that, Atom editor from GitHub became widely popular because it’s easy for everyone to develop plugins and extensions by simply writing some Javascript. Later, Electron framework was extracted from the core of Atom editor to help developers create their own cross-platform desktop applications.

Developing a desktop application with Electron is a fun thing. Bozon command line tool There are two package.json files. Testing or. Building a Review App with Ionic 2, MongoDB & Node | HTML5 Mobile Tutorials | Ionic, Phaser, Sencha Touch & PhoneGap. Throughout your adventures in web and mobile development, you may have heard of the MEAN stack, which (aside from sounding pretty badass) stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js.

All of these technologies work together to allow you to create an application with a frontend and a backend. In this tutorial we will be creating a simple review application in Ionic 2 powered by the MEAN stack. In a previous tutorial, An Introduction to NoSQL for HTML5 Mobile Developers, we covered how to get up an running with MongoDB, and now we’ll be looking at how to make use of it in a real life scenario. I’d recommend reading that tutorial if you aren’t already familiar with MongoDB (it gives some background into NoSQL in general, as well as MongoDB) but I will be covering the steps for getting set up in this tutorial as well so it isn’t required. This is what the app will look like when it’s done: and this is how we will be using the MEAN stack for this tutorial: Before we Get Started Success! Node JS, Using APIs, Promises and the File system | EdgeThreeSixty.

Our Task In Guild Wars 2, players can donate items to a bank to help build up the guild’s headquarters, or “Guild Hall”. Members’ contributions are hard to keep track of, especially as there could be potentially hundreds of donations per day, depending on the size of the guild you’re in. We need a way to keep track of the donations, and the (approximate) values of each donation. We can’t simply poll the API and expect a full log of what has happened, because the data returned by the API is transient, meaning that it’s not always going to be the same, some can be lost over time. What is an API? API stands for Application Programming Interface, in this case it is a set of URLs that we can access using HTTP to perform certain actions on the Guild Wars 2 servers to collect and submit information from and to the game for use in our application.

Setting up Node.js The application is going to be written using Node.js which can be downloaded here. To include request in the project, add this line: A TDD Approach to Building a Todo API Using Node.js and MongoDB - Semaphore. Learn how to develop a Todo API with Node.js, MongoDB, Mocha and Sinon.js, using the test-driven development approach. Introduction Testing is an integral part of the software development process which helps improve the quality of the software. There are many types of testing involved like manual testing, integration testing, functional testing, load testing, unit testing, and other.

In this article, we'll write our code following the rules of Test Driven Development (TDD). What is a unit test? Martin Fowler defines unit tests as follows: Firstly, there is a notion that unit tests are low-level, focusing on a small part of the software system. In this tutorial, we'll be building a Todo API using the TDD method with Node.js and MongoDB. Prerequisites Express.js,MongoDB,Mocha,Chai, andSinon.js. Project Setup Before we start developing our actual API, we have to set up the folder and end point. In a software project, there is no perfect way to structure an application. Installing Dependencies. Getting Started with Node.js Koa 2 Framework | Coding Defined. In this post we will be discussing about Node.js Koa 2 framework.

Koa is a new web framework which aims to be a smaller, more expressive and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs. You might have heard about Koa, but they have recently release Koa 2 which supports async/await. The advantages of using Koa2 is that you will not get callback hell problem because it removes it by combining generators and promises. Callback hell means a heavily nested callbacks which make the code unreadable and difficult to maintain.

To avoid callback hell one should use modularization, which means breaking the callbacks into independent functions. Another method to avoid callback hell is use to use Promises, which allows error propagation and chaining. Thus Koa2 helps you to overcome callback hell problem. Installing Koa 2 You can install koa using the below command npm install koa@2 Now in order to run Koa 2 you must use a compiler, in this case we will be using Babel. 5. 6. Index.js 7. Node Hero - Debugging Node.js applications | @RisingStack. This article is the 10th part of the tutorial series called Node Hero - in these chapters, you can learn how to get started with Node.js and deliver software products using it. In this tutorial, you are going to learn debugging your Node.js applications using the debug module, the built-in Node debugger and Chrome's developer tools. Upcoming and past chapters: Bugs, debugging The term bug and debugging have been a part of engineering jargon for many decades. It has been just so in all of my inventions.

Debugging Node.js Applications One of the most frequently used approach to find issues in Node.js applications is the heavy usage of console.log for debugging. Let's take a look at them! The debug module Some of the most popular modules that you can require into your project come with the debug module. To use the debug module, you have to set the DEBUG environment variable when starting your applications. DEBUG=express* node app.js The output will look like this: The Built-in Node.js Debugger. Introducing Queues in Node.js. John Pettigrew — Scaling A Websocket Application With RabbitMQ. If you know me, then you know I am a Docker fan-boy.

Docker offers a lot in terms of tooling. As an attempt to avoid vendor lock-in, I chose to research rkt and some of the features it offers. Rkt is maintained by Coreos. Coreos has also developed several other tools to assist in managing containers. (Some of which I might talk about in future blog posts.) I won’t go much into the installation of Rkt, there are great instructions available on the website.

Rkt to see some of the available options. Rkt uses ACI files for its images. Rkt fetch --insecure-options=image Note: the “–insecure-options=image” is needed because Docker images can’t be verified by rkt like ACI files. Rkt image list You should see nginx listed. Rkt image export nginx.aci There should now be an “nginx.aci” in your current directory. Rkt run Note: Exit a running container by pressing ‘Ctrl’ and ’]’ three times.

Rkt list rkt run --net=host. How To Harness The Machines: Being Productive With Task Runners. Building Real-time Apps with Websockets & Server-Sent Events. This article was peer reviewed by Craig Bilner and Dan Prince. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! An important part of writing rich internet applications is reacting to data changes. Consider the following quote by Guillermo Rauch, taken from his 2014 BrazilJS talk, The 7 Principles of Rich Web Applications.

When data changes on the server, let the clients know without asking. This is a form of performance improvement that frees the user from manual refresh actions (F5, pull to refresh). New challenges: (re)connection management, state reconciliation. In this article we’ll look at examples of how to use the raw WebSocket API as well as the lesser known EventSource for server-sent events (SSE) to build “real-time” UI’s that are self-updating. A Brief History In the past we had to simulate server-push, the most notable method being long polling. Things continued to get interesting in 2011 when the WebSocket protocol was standardised. Building a WebRTC Video Chat Application with PeerJS.

This article was peer reviewed by Panayiotis Velisarakos and Ravi Kiran. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! With the advent of WebRTC and the increasing capacity of browsers to handle peer-to-peer communications in real-time, it’s easier than ever to build real-time applications. In this tutorial we’ll take a look at PeerJS and how it can make our lives easier when implementing WebRTC. Throughout this tutorial we’ll be building a WebRTC video chat app with messaging features. What Is PeerJS? Before we move on, it’s important that we understand the main tool that we’ll be using. What it does is act as a wrapper around the browser’s WebRTC implementation.

PeerServer WebRTC isn’t completely peer-to-peer. PeerServer is the server-side component of PeerJS and allows two or more devices to connect together. So which is the right choice for your project? If you want to get started quickly then PeerServer Cloud Service is for you. Mark-Up. Using WebSockets on Heroku with Node.js. Last updated 08 June 2016 This tutorial will get you going with realtime Node.js applications on Heroku. We’ll develop a simple application that shares the server’s current time with the client via a persistent socket connection. Each application will be based on node’s popular express web server. When developing realtime Node.js applications, you can directly use WebSockets, or you can use an abstraction library like which provides fallbacks for clients that don’t support the WebSocket protocol. Create a new app Move into your app’s directory and create a default package.json: Let’s also specify a version of node in package.json and provide a mechanism for starting the app: Option 1: WebSocket The simplest way to use WebSocket connections is directly through node’s ws module.

Install dependencies Let’s start with a basic express web server: $ npm install --save --save-exact express For WebSockets, we’ll install the ws module as well as bufferutil and utf-8-validate. Broadcast updates. 10 Areas Where Tooling Makes Node.js Developers More Productive, Part 1 - Node.js plays in the big leagues thanks to them. ES Modules and Node.js: Hard Choices. What is the best 'full stack web framework' (with scaffolding, MVC, ORM, etc.) based on Node.js / server-side JavaScript? - Quora.

Real-time Web with Node.js - Wrong description on level 6 challenge 8 (6.8) - Node.js - Code School Forum. Node Hero - Node.js Unit Testing Tutorial | @RisingStack. Build an Online Store With MongoDB, Node.js, and Elasticsearch - DZone Database. Test Driven Development With NodeJS, Mocha & Chai – Vicheanak. Learn Docker by Building a Microservice. V8, modern JavaScript, and beyond - Google I/O 2016. NodeJS App in 20 Minutes 2/4 - An HTTP Server with Node and Express. How to Get Node.js Logging Right | @RisingStack. User authentication using passport.js in Node.js. IBM Opens Up Node.js App Metrics Tool -- ADTmag.

Basic Babel Nodejs Setup for Creating Web Apps – Blog. Build a Node.js blog with Harp | Kenan Yusuf. Node.js Authentication using Passport.js | @RisingStack. V8, modern JavaScript, and beyond - Google I/O 2016. Node.js 4-What is module. Using SQLite /w Node.js for Rapid Prototyping. NodeJS / Express / MongoDB - Build a Shopping Cart - #2 Product Index View. How to manage mongodb connections in a nodejs? | How Why What. Libraries essential for NodeJS applications – CodeOrRoad. Express Angular2 Application Using Typescript [ Code Sharing Workflow ] Node.js Async Await in ES7. How To Set Up a Node.js Application for Production on Ubuntu 16.04. How to create a Node.js app in Microsoft Azure | MEA MSP Channel. NodeJS. Tutorial: Build a REST API for Your Mobile Apps using Node.js - Stormpath User Identity API.

Build Your Own Custom SlackBot with Node.js. Node.js Tutorial: Building web apps | Web Code Geeks - 2016. Node Hero - Node.js Project Structure Tutorial | @RisingStack. Introducing MongoDB on Node.js. Introducing Node.js 6.0. Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js Applications. Comparison Of Four Popular Node.js Frameworks | Toptal. GitHub - rjmacarthy/express-typescript-starter: An Express.js project implemented using Typescript with strongly typed objects:

Node Hero - Node.js Request Module Tutorial | @RisingStack. Lecture: node.js 1 week 3. Breaking changes between v5 and v6 · nodejs/node Wiki. Using MySQL in Node.js. What's new in Node v6? | @RisingStack. Node Hero - Node.js Database Tutorial | @RisingStack. Node.js ES2015/ES6 support. Building applications with Node & TypeScript – Sharednode. Node Hero - Your First Node.js HTTP Server | @RisingStack. Send email from website using AngularJS and NodeJS – Angular Code. Appointment Booking with AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB – Angular Code. GitHub - DiegoRBaquero/node-fb-messenger: Facebook Messenger Platform NodeJS API Wrapper. Getting Started | Documentation | Bot Framework. Web Crawling with Node, PhantomJS and Horseman.