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Ore/Mineral Spreadsheet. Copy and pasting – Space is all about spreadsheets these days « Eve Industry Tracker. As it turns out nearly everything in eve online can be Ctrl+A Ctrl+C ed. Directional scans, mineral scan results even inventory can be copied to clipboard. So I had to take advantage of this feature and hopefully make a few lives easier. Back in the day when I wrote the material reports section, we couldn’t Ctrl+C the contents of an inventory window (at least to my knowledge anyway) so everything had to be input manually. Until I added the fleetlog uploader, then the asset grabber to streamline things.

But even those are prone to error or lag waiting for API cacheduntil timers to get old. Then recently someone asked me if they could copy the contents of the mineral scanner somehow. So on I hopped onto SISI for some experimentations and what not and what I found is that nearly all the CTRL+C data from eve is in the same format. Item Name \t quantity \t group Name \t volume So all I needed to do was parse the 1st 2 fields to get name and quantity. Like this: Like Loading... D.R.K Industry Tracker. Ore calculations if sold at the best price near Algo. Transport not included. Refine at best location. The Complete Miner's Guide by Halada. Prologue "A tall, elegant man stood in a dark room. The numerous computer displays and gauges cast range and blue shadows upon his serious face, his eyes piercing among the darkness, overseeing the work of his engineers.

One of the workers came running to the officer. "- Commander, one of our strip miner is malfunctioning. We are getting abnormal readings from the buffer. The transport stream isn't compensating. - Deactivate the system and replace the crystal mister Dupuis, grinned the tall man. " Commander Velour wasn't fond of this new recent technology. His nano transponder emitted a sharp beep. "- Commander, the fleet has reached its harvesting objectives and is awaiting your orders sir. - Very well lieutenant. Out the window, the Commander saw a huge, beautiful Nyx mothership ship recall its fighters. "- Lieutenant, inform the Yamato to close the jump portal once my ship steps through and to meet the fleet at the rendezvous coordinates.

Source(s): Guide solutions Fulfill your destiny.